He was known as a troublesome child. He was always hyper and looking for adventure. To me, he was just like any normal kid. Now, himself and a couple of other kids had gotten beaten at his first English school, Llandaff Cathedral School, for placing a dead mouse in a storekeeper´s candy jar, after his mother had sent him there trying to live out his father's dream for him. Dahl only wanted to live his childhood life to the fullest. He hated rules and rarely ever followed them. He later had described his school days as ¨days of horror¨ filled with "rules, rules and still more rules that had to be obeyed," which later inspired him to write some of the stories he had wrote. Corporal punishment was also very common. His mother was trying to send him to Cambridge University but he wanted to get a job that would send him to foreign places like Africa and or China. He had wanted to follow his dreams as a child of wanting to live wild and …show more content…
He would tell them bedtime stories that later became stories that he had written. Two of his children had sadly passed away, so he was even more inspired in some of his other writings and children’s books.
Roald was also inspired by other events in his life which led to him writing some of his other stories. Even though The Witches can relate to his childhood, he was inspired by his NOrwegian heritage when writing that story. Other stories were influenced by his first career, piloting. Stories like, Over to You: 10 Stories of Flyers and Flying, was certainly prompted by his experiences in the R.A.F. The characters and situations in the Claud's Dog series from Someone Like You were supposedly based on actual people in Dahl's village of Aylesbury (Howard).
There are many fiction stories that have had real life events placed into them. From children’s books, to adult stories. Everyone has a mind of imagination, but he all has to start from a dream or wish. You can be inspired from yourself and own events throughout your entire life. People surrounding you may influence your thoughts and may even end up as a character in your story. Roald Dahl’s childhood and his adult life events impacted on him writing his stories and also made him to be the great write he