not having to be concerned about conflicts, therefore enabling them to rest from controversy whenever they feel like. This point is also seen in Text 3 where a Jew student tells about the importance of the safe space, for her in shape of the Hillel house. On the other hand, creating and maintaining these safe spaces might be a big con. As Brendan O’Neill says in Text 1, preventing debate regarding certain issues in some public arrangements, might work as a sort of censorship and could prevent specific thoughts and insight. Rayhan Uddin, however, sees it oppositely as he thinks that the safe spaces allow the repressed voices to speak. A different problem concerning the safe spaces, is to determine what violates the safe space. An example of this can be found in Text 2, among a student council at Edinburgh University, where a student was warned of breaching the safe space rules by simply shaking her head and raising her arm.
not having to be concerned about conflicts, therefore enabling them to rest from controversy whenever they feel like. This point is also seen in Text 3 where a Jew student tells about the importance of the safe space, for her in shape of the Hillel house. On the other hand, creating and maintaining these safe spaces might be a big con. As Brendan O’Neill says in Text 1, preventing debate regarding certain issues in some public arrangements, might work as a sort of censorship and could prevent specific thoughts and insight. Rayhan Uddin, however, sees it oppositely as he thinks that the safe spaces allow the repressed voices to speak. A different problem concerning the safe spaces, is to determine what violates the safe space. An example of this can be found in Text 2, among a student council at Edinburgh University, where a student was warned of breaching the safe space rules by simply shaking her head and raising her arm.