Before starting any activity it is important that you take into account the health and safety requirements of all pupils, ensuring that the environment is free of any hazards and that pupils will be able to work/play safely. Factors which should be taken into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services are:
• Ratios of staff to children.
• Children’s health needs .
• Risk assessments to be carried out daily and hazards reported.
• Individual needs of each child.
• Suitable environment, security or actual environment, temperature of classrooms.
When planning for a healthy and safe indoor environment firstly rooms should be organised to optimise safety, by ensuring there is adequate space in relation to the number of pupils who will be using it. This allows the children to move around easily and comfortable.
Light: Classrooms should where possible, have sufficient natural light, to ensure that children can work without discomfort. If this is not possible or natural light is not sufficient, then alternative light sources should be those that do not cause discomfort, after a prolonged period eg, fluorescent bulbs.
Noise: The level of noise around a classroom should be taken into consideration, as this can cause distractions and cause an area of work to become unsuitable.
Specific risks to individuals: Individuals may have specific risks to take into account. These may include physical disabilities, sensory impairments and pregnancy. These will all impact on the way in which the environment is planned. In the case of an individual who uses a wheel chair the layout of the classroom would have to allow for the person to move without posing a rick to themselves or others.
Organisation: All equipment should be stored safely so that it cannot present a hazard. All storage should be