We understand—up to a point—the mental states of those who kill themselves: the despair, depression, irritability, agitation, and sheer hopelessness. We have learned a great deal about the suicidal experience from the victims’ legacies—notes, diaries, psychological autopsies, and clinical interviews with people who have survived severe suicide attempts. In my cousin’s case, his immediate cause of death was the fire he caused to burn him alive. The fire was caused by the tanks of propane found in
We understand—up to a point—the mental states of those who kill themselves: the despair, depression, irritability, agitation, and sheer hopelessness. We have learned a great deal about the suicidal experience from the victims’ legacies—notes, diaries, psychological autopsies, and clinical interviews with people who have survived severe suicide attempts. In my cousin’s case, his immediate cause of death was the fire he caused to burn him alive. The fire was caused by the tanks of propane found in