sure your home is equipped with proper lighting, surfaces, functionalsmoke and covered electrical outlets. Devise emergency plans, such as evacuation maps andemergency phone number lists, make sure all family members are aware of them. If you havechildren, be sure to store medicines and cleaning supplies out of reach and whenever cooking,keep hot surfaces attended at all times.Athletic-To ensure you and your kids are safe at play hour, first get a physical exambefore starting a new sport. You can also warm up and stretch before starting your activity anduse proper body form when completing it. Stay properly hydrated by drinking plenty of waterbefore and after practice. Always wear a helmet and properly fitted gear, helmets can prevent child deaths from bicycle-related accidents.
Also be sure to keep an eye on children, and enforcerules if necessary to ensure they are playing safely. There are other ways that can keep injuriesless likely to occur.For example, any community may include supporting school violence and bullyingprevention programs, reporting suspected child abuse, or endorsing efforts to improve the safetyof parks and playgrounds.Travel- Whenever traveling in a car wear a seat belt at all times for you and any childrenin the car with you safely use car seats or booster seats. “The CDC reports that seat belts preventabout 50 percent of crash-related deaths and injuries and the APHA states that car seats reducethe risk of infant death by 71% and toddler death by 54%”. Always be a responsible driver, don'tdrink and drive, text, eat, talk on the phone, or drive when tired. As a pedestrian, use sidewalksor, if they are not available, walk facing oncoming traffic.Homicide is the most destructive crime and is considered so serious that the death penalty stillapplies for those found guilty in some U.S. states. In every kind of relationship you shouldalways be aware of the lookouts when it comes to physical, mental and verbal abuse. Signs likethose can lead to more than just verbal and physical abuse such as
The easiest ways to prevent Suicide is to recognize these warning signs and know how torespond if you spot them. If you believe that a friend or family member is suicidal, you can playa role in suicide prevention by pointing out the alternatives, showing that you care, and getting adoctor or psychologist involved.My opinion on this whole discussion is realizing that we base all our injuries externally, but wealways have a fault in any situation we come across. We can easily bring the percentage down onhow many deaths cause Unintentional injuries throughout our country by knowing what’s rightand wrong, always being safe, and wearing the right protective gear when necessary. Also forHomicide and Suicide just knowing the warning signs before anything gets more drastic.