English- 1302-
15 October 2014
Millions of people have been killed all the way through history by their government or rulers. There are many reasons to hate them like nationality, race, diversity, religion and ethnicity. Global problems have many causes and effects as well. One of the global problems that have affected the world history is genocide. In 1941 Raphael Lemkin a polish Jewish created the term genocide by combining Greek words “genos” which means race and “cide” which means killing. In history genocide has been repeated several times. Nationalism is one of the major causes of genocide. Nationalism is like faith that people should have with whom they share their culture or religion in order to they can …show more content…
help each other at any problem. Mainly nationalism unities people of same religion or culture. It is said that less advanced people cannot do anything without the help of a stronger advanced nation.
One of the wickedest crime that government can do to counter the citizen is genocide. Genocide is a crime which is against humanity. The powerful people target those kinds of people who are week and ruled by them from the beginning. If any kind of group people gain some powers than they thought to defeat those people who are weaker than them so that they can be safe in future as Adlof Hitler did with the Holocaust. . According to Mark Kramer who wrote the article “Genocide”, “The Genocide Convention defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." In giving examples of the type of "acts" encompassed by this phrasing, the convention makes clear that genocide can occur even if no one has carried out (or intends to carry out) "mass killings" (Kramer 910). For the genocide it has killed millions of people. Millions of children, men, and women were killed in genocide. They have been raped, tortured and even they had to leave their house as well. Although genocide is a violent crime committed by a group to destroy the existence group. Genocide was caused by dictatorship in Holocaust, Rwanda and Tasmania. Genocide in …show more content…
Holocaust and Armenian’s occurred because of religious issue. Genocide happened in Rwanda because there were tension about the majority of Hutus and Tutsis who can be the best choice for the members of society. In these three genocides the common issue is there were no interference of Outside County, and the government or regime were controlling the states. This genocide has changed the whole history. The genocide which has happened in the past reminds us how the people and the innocence faced that terrible time of their life.
The holocaust is remind by people still now and it has been affected many people, the Jewish mainly, the homosexual and even the prisoners of war. Not all the people in holocaust were survived from genocide. A few was lucky who got saved. From the mid 1930’s and ending in 1945 so many people have been killed in holocaust. The people who have been worked with Hitler it didn’t bothered them to killed people because it was an order to them and they just followed it. Hitler signed an order than the Jewish people were killed. However, the Jewish people were not only the target of Nazi. The word holocaust comes from the Greek word which means burnt sacrifice. It also describes the violence of Nazi. The mass murder of Jewish was grown from religious to ethnic or racial during the industrial revolution. Germany attacks the Soviet Union and eastern Poland. Jews, homosexual, gypsies, catholic were targeted by the Einsatzgruppen. At the end of 1941 around 440,000 Jews were murdered. German Jews were unable to take any advantages like using phone or public transport. Death camps were built in 1942 to exaggerate experiments with gas. Death camps were set up in some locations of Poland. 2.7 million Jews are killed in 1942. An operation was launched by Nazi’s named Erntefest - harvest festival for completing the homicide of Jews in Poland and around 40,000 were shot in a day. 700,000 Jews from Hungary 's are sent at Auschwitz to the death camp. The Jewish prisoner were said to move on without any destination. Some of them has died because of illness, weakness and shot for not cooperating. Soviet troops liberate Majdanek has been chosen as permanent memorial and museum. Auschwitz become empty and the stores in there were burned. In 1945 Hitler commits suicide and Germany surrenders. On a 12-day death march from the camp at Sachsenhausen the surviving prisoners got release by the allied troops. According to Christian Gerlach who wrote the article ‘Holocaust’ Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity “The Holocaust has been viewed as the most important result of World War II—it is even viewed by some to be the central event of the twentieth century, though both views are confined to North America and Western Europe. Several schools of interpretation have evolved. The "intentionalists" represent the dominant approach in teaching, arguing that the extermination of European Jewry was primarily based on Nazi ideology, Hitler 's anti-Semitism, ordered by a central authority at a relatively early time, conducted within a hierarchical and homogenous system, and based on long-term, covert plans” (Gerlach 460).
Rwanda used to be known as a tropical Switzerland in Africa. People who used to visit there said it’s a beautiful country. Rwanda population was a part of Hutu ethnic group. Tutsi and Hutu people used to speak the same language. Tutsi women used to married to Hutu man because it was easier to get Hutu citizenship. Because of their agricultural progress and natural beauty Tutsi people used to be the land owner and Hutu people has worked in the land. After European moved in Tutsi people had started behaving like patrician and they have started treated the Hutu people like a farmer. European colonies introduced different kind of weapon to the Tutsi people. By 1959 the power have been snatched from Tutsi people by the European. A Hutu government faced conflicts for independence of Rwanda in 1962. After a war break in 1993 a new multi-party constitution was exchanged by UN efforts. On 1994 by the terrorist Rwanda government was shot on a plane. It was planned of Hutus to go into a final operation. Tutsi people were blamed of killing the president and the genocide began. Up to million people died in genocide. No one tried to hide the genocide. Media, television reported what happened there. The people who were trained to the massacre become member of death squad. The state provide politicians, intellectual deliberately inflamed the killer to do their work. Tutsi man, women children has been killed in churches, school by the common face like their neighbor, relatives or some faces saw through their marriage. In the genocide in Rwanda there was many warning to the UN of the Hutu power action like telegram to the UN secretary. According to Gregory H. Stanton who wrote the article “Early warning”, “Rwanda was a case in which early warning failed. In 1992 the Belgian Ambassador to Rwanda warned the Belgian government that Hutu Power advocates were "planning the extermination of the Tutsi of Rwanda." In April 1993 the UN Special Rapporteur on Summary, Arbitrary, and Extrajudicial Executions issued a statement that the massacres of Tutsi in Rwanda already constituted genocide” (Stanton 272). After the violence has started the UN council met secretly. No one wanted to take action while the genocide was going on. The USA want to send 50 armoured personnel to help UNAMIR. Round two million people fled from the border and half of them went to Congo.
Since the 7th century BC the Armenians people home was in the southern Caucasus. In the 4th century a king of Armenian’s become Christian. After that Christianity has become the religion of Armenians state. However, in 7th century after Islam was founded than it has become the religion in all the countries near Armenians. But the Armenians didn’t changed their religion and result of discrimination and abuse. When the Armenians leader was confident and demand for political power it was unwelcome for both Russian power and ottoman. Than they began behaving badly with Armenians. In Russian Armenians, the Tsar closed hundreds churches and schools. When the First World War broke out that time the new ottoman sultan started supporting Germany and that created conflicted with Russia. In 1915 the ottoman government deported the Turkish Armenians to the desert of Syria. They were driven out the people from their house and sent them in the desert until they died. According to Ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter who wrote “Armenian Genocide”, “The destruction of the Eastern Armenians during World War I is verifiable on the one hand by the reality of previous massacres, which reveals the existence of powerful mechanisms designed to eliminate the empire 's minority groups, exploit their members so as to psychologically and socially degrade them, and ultimately hand them over to Kurdish tribes, irregular troops, and Turkish activists” (Ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter 156). In between 1915 to 1923 there wasn’t any Armenians in the western part of Armenia. That part became empty. Who got survived they flees to Russia or in Middle East.
In conclude it can be said that throughout the history problem were and will come in future as well.
Global problem has created challenges for the nation. There are many reasons of global problems which has effect also. Genocide is one of the global problem. Genocide turned into a natural disaster where mass murdered were planned and ordered was given to kill the people. The main reasons of genocide are assumed either revenge or fear of population. It is easy to target the smaller group’s people because they might not have any weapon or any idea about how they can protection their selves. About half century ago the genocide occurred for the human right violation turned into a worst situation. Among of those genocide in Holocaust, Rwanda and Tasmania was memorable to all. In past genocide was happened basically to destroy some groups of people who could be threatening in future to the stronger people. However, human need understand those war start with a small issue but turned into genocide which kills millions of people and destroy many region, ethnics, and groups and so
Works Cited
"Armenian Genocide." Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction. Ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner 's Sons, 2006. 153-162. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
Gerlach, Christian. "Holocaust." Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Ed. Dinah L. Shelton. Vol. 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 453-461. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
Kramer, Mark. "Genocide." New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz. Vol. 3. Detroit: Charles Scribner 's Sons, 2005. 909-912. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
Stanton, Gregory H. "Early Warning." Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Ed. Dinah L. Shelton. Vol. 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 271-273. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.