Genocide, as defined in the Oxford Dictionairy states, “the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.” Ultranationalism is defined as “extreme nationalism that promotes the interest of one state or people above all others.” Ultranationalism and genocide go very hand in hand with eachother. The extreme nationalism that is a main charasteristic of ultrantionalism can lead to a very warped vision of power and thoughts relating power, and can ultimately cause an action relating to genocide. Ultranationalistic people may treat others in a non human or degrading way, they may seperate others into groups. They deny rights and may …show more content…
It was an act of the US president Harry Truman during World War Two. The Bombing was an act of desperation to get Japan to surrender. Japan was given an ultamitum at the Postdam Conference, where it was explained that Japan could either surrender or risk military attack. Japan declined to surrender. The scientists that helped build the atomic bomb wanted Truman to show Japan the force of the bomb without the consequences of dropping it on the city before they were to release its full potential to scare Japan into surrender. The Bombing was to stop a potential war that Japan woudl start with the U.S. On August 6th,1945, an american B-29 Bomberdropped the first Atomic Bomb on the city of Hiroshima, killing 80 000 peopple and wiping out 90% of the city. Three days later another B-29 bomber dropped the second bomb on Nagasaki, killng 40 000 people. Japans Emperor announced suurender on August 15th, citing the power of the “new and most cruel bomb” The united states was very scared of the power of Japan, they had a much stronger military than the US. The United States, knowing the damage that the bombings would do to Japan , believed that it was the only way to put a stop to World War Two. The Ultranationalism of the United States in the Bombing ulitmately led to a massive genocide that shocked the