In this modern lifestyle the popularity of fast food restaurants are growing every day. Fast food restaurants have appeared in large quantities all over the world and these restaurants have become more popular, because fast food can be prepared and served very fast. Jessica Williams (2007, p. 216) finds that “Fast food restaurants were firstly appeared in Unites States in the 1940s. Today there are hundreds of thousands of them. According to Eric Schlosser in his book, Fast Food Nation, the amount of money Americans spent on fast food went from $6 billion in 1970 to more than $100 billion in the late 1990s. Twenty five percent of the population eats at a fast food restaurant every day. Although fast food started in the United States, it has spread across the world and its popularity is growing day by day.” The variety of people, especially adults and young people prefer to eat fast food from restaurants than home cooked food. There are numerous reasons for the popularity of fast food restaurants among which most important reasons are that they are inexpensive and easily available in various taste and varieties. This essay attempts to explain about the various causes for the popularity of fast food restaurants. This essay will explain three main causes for the popularity of fast food restaurants. These three main causes are: fast foods are inexpensive, fast foods are available in various tastes and varieties, and it is a way of socializing with friends and family.
One of the most significant reasons for the popularity of fast food restaurants is that, fast foods are inexpensive. Fast food is cheap because the production is streamlined; means fast food can be produce in huge bulk, so that the quality becomes uniform and satisfy huge demand. In addition to that, the cost of the ingredients of fast food is cheaper than whole meal food. Emil Brindal (April 2010, p. 17-18) stated that most people
References: Williams, J. (2007). Academic Encounters: American Studies Student 's Book: Reading, Study Skills, Writing. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from Brindal, E. (April 2010). Exploring fast food consumption behaviours. The University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Science, Adelaide, South Australia. Ritzer, G. (2002). Journal of Consumer Culture. Revolutionizing the world of consumption: a review on three popular books , 2, 103-106. USDA: Dietary Guideline for Americans, 2010