For your final assignment, you will be composing a cause and effect essay using the following topics:
1. Causes of criminal behaviour
Your essay must be five paragraphs in length. You will identify three causes OR three effects about the topic and discuss in detail, with supporting information, each point in the body paragraphs of your essay. Be sure that each part of the essay achieves its purposes. In the body, you need to provide clear, detailed, and accurate facts to illustrate your controlling idea.
You must use three secondary sources that support the points you are making: they will provide background information, and they will support your claims about the causes and/or the effects of your subject.
When you include facts from other sources, you must identify those sources in the essay. Please use APA citation style. Refer to the LRC (library) resources on D2L for instructions on how to cite properly. A direct link to these resources is available in “week 12 folder”.
Do not plagiarize; the penalties are clearly outlined in the Conestoga College Student Guide, pages 24-25.
1. Before writing your final essay, brainstorm your ideas, and then complete the essay outline provided in this package. Please note: During next week’s class (week 13) you will be given class time to work on your outline. A completed outline is due at the end of that class. Your teacher will conduct a quick check of your outline for completion and will provide general feedback on your ideas. YOUR CHECKED OUTLINE WILL BE REQUIRED AS PART OF YOUR FINAL ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION.
2. Type your final copy. Double-space your work.