In the country’s efforts to control water ways to provide water to the growing population they realized that controlling water is different than controlling land. “One major move came when the government cleared land and built the city of Brasilia, which opened in 1960 in middle of a wooded savannah, far from the populated coast. Clearings for soybeans and cattle followed, that placed an even higher premium on occupying the jungle. The clearings were seen as signs of progress” (Tollefson ,Jeff, InsideClimate News, (May,2005) Brazil and the Battle Against Deforestation: A Short History). Mayor Adnan Demachki was one of the few who seen that deforestation was wrong. He realized that the town of Paragominas needed a change. He was known for his efficiency not his political views. This efficiency helped bring the town into the modern age (Duncan, Emma 2013). Mr. Demachki had an idea in order to create change he would provide awareness for deforestation. He held a town meeting where he apologized for not stopping deforestation and then gave his resignation. The town people choose to stop deforestation over Mr. Demachki resigning (Duncan, Emma …show more content…
The impact of habitat loss is on of the biggest because millions of species are lost. A large percent of animals and plants live in the forest and many of them cannot survive deforestation (National Geographic). Deforestation also affects the climate and causes change that may never be reversed. The forest floor is moist and if we keep cutting down trees then the floor will dry up and cause the trees die from lack of resources. The canopies of the trees also play a role by shielding the sunlight in the day and capturing the heat at night. They also absorb greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. There are many ways that deforestation effects not only the lives of the species that live in the forest but the lives outside as well (National