Deforestation occurs for many reasons, most deal with expansion of the modern world. Cattle ranching is one of the main causes “of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest” because the beef produced is used to feed urban areas, leather and other products are for exporting to other markets (Butler). It accounts for around 70% of deforestation in the Amazon region (Butler). Forests are being cleared for the expansion of agriculture, both subsistence and commercial. For or instance in Bolivian cleared lands are being used for farming soy beans since there has been a demand for them in the market due to it being “the region’s cash crop” (Forero). Logging and mining have also been an issue of deforestation, both legal and illegal. Loggers come in and destroy the forest for its wood, while miners dig for gold and other valuable treasures. Urbanization has been causing roads to be built through indigenous territories and cities been expanding by cutting down the trees. Another cause of forest clearings in different parts of the Amazon is from the search for oil in hopes of finding the limited natural resource. One of the more natural causes of deforestation is from forest …show more content…
In the Amazon region there are around 400 indigenous tribes and each has a different language and traditions (“Amazon Tribes”). These tribes are hunters and gatherers, so the land is their means of survival. When outsiders destroy the land, they are destroying their resources causing tribes to die off due to poor health. A few of the tribes are nomadic because after a couple of years the food supply runs low and they need to travel to find more resources (“Amazon Tribes”). They are called the “Uncontacted Indians” of the Amazon because of the preference of staying away from outsiders who could invade and destroy their culture and