is to obtain profit.Americans also desire things material commodities and luxury which cost money but not everyone is able to afford the commodities. In the U.S.A there’s the rich the poor and the middle class.In Fact The poorest which is the lower class usually face is discrimination and inequality from the upper class and authorities. The reality that poor societies face everyday is that they are stuck in a low income job and educated. According to Census Bureau the reasons that have shown to increase a student’s risk of dropping out are, including high rates of absenteeism, low levels of school engagement, low parental education, work or family responsibilities, problematic or deviant behavior, moving to a new school in the ninth grade, and attending a school with lower achievement scores.High school dropouts are most likely to be involved in crime.Dropouts from high school is associated with negative employment and life outcomes.”Therefore Young people who drop out of high school are unlikely to have the minimum skills and credentials necessary to function in today’s increasingly complex society and technology-dependent workplace”( Banks).They end up obtaining a minimum wage job or jobless which then categorized them unemployed which increases the poverty rate.
The most important question is how does poverty get people to commit crime? Which connects to how do people become poor in the first place.Which takes us back to the US history where the dominant group(whites) discriminated against colored people.Desegregation in the USA kept the poor away from education.Which leds to crime violence increment from does who drop out of high school and start to break the laws in order to get easy money.Such as selling drugs,vandalism, shoplifting,gangs recrutement, underage drinking and marijuana consumption.This usually happens when people lack on education and they start to process different ways they can earn money then from what society expects them to do. Mainly because of their background such as if they are illegal immigrants, non-white, and their family education history. Other factors leading to crime are racism, Discrimination is constantly been overuse toward the minority group causing them to over react violently.
Furthermore The lower class gets lower and the rich get richer?
Why is this? Since poor neighborhoods lack on schools materials and not enough funds to offered children a better education, the poor teenagers tend to drop out of school.For the richest country in the world is also the world's highest childhood poverty .Which we can connect to does who are poor and don't have enough knowledge in how to get their kids to college which is one of the easiest way out of poverty.But the rich they have an advantage since they already know the procedure to get their kids to college and obtaining a job that will keep them away from staying in the lower class. The currently official poverty in the US is 14.5% meaning 45.3 million people live in poverty(statistics).Which has been 2% less the then previous year. According to Ashley Carter, more than 20 percent in the U.S. are currently poor .”That's about 1 in 5 kids”. “Poverty is possibly the single greatest threat to a child's well being.According to the Urban Institute, children who are poor for half of their childhood are 32 times more likely to remain poor”(W M …show more content…
The poverty rate which has been one of the biggest failures in the U.S . It's also to note that a household income of $30,000 puts you in roughly the richest 1.23 percent of the world's population.The report does not deal with the type of extreme poverty you see in the poor and developing worlds, where roughly 2.7 billion people are trying to get by on less than two dollars per day (The Washington post) This is how much the poor are struggling in their everyday lives and most of them don't even earn the minimum wage mostly because they don't have an education nor speak english well. Many factors have been found that a poor family usually goes through phases of violence that conducts their behavior at school to change dramatically.Most of the time the teenager commit crimes and rage in fury with other because their life is unfair. This leads to them not graduating high school. They desire things that they can't afford but media and internet influences teens to drop out and become a famous athlete or rapper and if they fail they start stealing, vandalism and breaking laws and soon they end up in prison.This are the main reason why students don't get to graduate. Society starts to categorized human beings based on their background and what their family income is.When the poor know that they are poor they basically just go with the flow and they don't try to be successful because when they try there's always obstacles they have to pass. Does obstacles are the dominant group always been on top getting advantages such as admissions to 4 year colleges, better education and financially well supported.
In the United states there has been an increment of police discrimination toward the poor communities.African and Americans have tensions that 70 percent are white and 21 percent are Black.
“That disparity is reminiscent of Ferguson Missouri, which was thrust into the national spotlight this summer when a police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teen”(Missouri Newspapers). Crime increment has been the effect that poverty has caused. Police are the big influence towards the criminal injustices their is towards the minorities.People in from Wilmington are asked why such violence they answer poverty, racism, lack of economic opportunities, drugs and alcohol consumption, gun violence, high dropout rates, teen pregnancy and etc… Studies of crime, Deviance(behavior), and social disorganization, and the impact of social conditions and policy decisions upon their scope, have been hampered and widespread suspicious of the validity of official measures of crime. Crime statistics, the most notable and accessible of which are those contained in the (Federal Bureau) of Investigations yearly Uniform Crime Report, are reputedly invalid indicators even of the limited actions which they purport to measure directly(Wesley G. Skogan Northwestern University). Studies have shown that all the factors mentioned above are the main reasons why violence have
Officials have showed that U.S. crime reports in the mid 1990’s that about one fifth of all persons arrested for crimes were under the age of 16 years of age. Unofficials reports suggest that that a higher percentages of juveniles are involved in minor criminal behavior/ grossly underreported common offenders include vandalism, shoplifting, underage drinking and marijuana used (Cynthia H. Roberts).
The crime in the united states has increased because the poor don't have enough equity in the system to obtain a good job, education.This usually affects the fact that in the U.S, homicide is the leading cause of death for blacks men between 15 and 34 young men(MurderTown,USA). Although none of them have ever said so directly, The crime increasement have often given me the impression that The law tries to protect those that are rich because they have money that is worth in society. In fact, there's less people that are wealthy but they have most of the wealth of the entire country.As we seen in the news white cops obviously overuse their power and use it against the minority group. And they end up killing innocent teenaagers that have a violent attitude because life itself has been unfair.
“Crime has increased dramatically over the last decade”(M,Williams) In the united states crime increases were provoked mainly by the corruption the government created towards minority groups such as Hispanics,African-Americans,Non-whites etc.The dominant group categorized this groups as ignorance because they don't know how is to be from a different background where there is lack of education.So in order to justified their actions towards the minoritie groups they used education as a kind of weapond. They accused them from been ignorant and criminals.Wealthy men usually see the poor as wild reckless people who break the laws and are willing to do anything to kill. Usually when Cops kill innocent black minorities they justified their actions by saying false evidence to prove themselves not guilty in court.Racial discrimination is still a big deal in our society even though in the 1990s was worse is still been used against minorities.