Name ( optional)_____________ Age: ____________ Sex:__________ Years Married:___________
I. Greatest Stumbling Blocks to Happiness in the Home. What causes unhappiness in the home? Over what matters do most husbands and wives disagree?
Which of these do you consider as the greatest cause of unhappiness in the home? Rank them from
1-10, with 1 as the greatest and 10 as the least.
___ Money… where did all the pay check go? Was it wisely spent?
___ Raising children… the problem of what the “kids” do or do not do.
___ Drinking …especially when the husband goes out to drink and then comes home to raise trouble.
___ Other women, other men; jealousy of each other; not enough attention paid to home obligations.
___ In-laws and relatives… arguments about each other’s families; mother-in-law problem; relationship to one another’s families; time spent with the in-laws.
___Staying out too late… husbands going out and not taking the wives. Husbands or wives taking too many nights away from home and family.
___Trivial things… matters of no great importance. Things one wants to do and the other objects.
___ Leisure time problems… certain tasks needed to be done about the house which husband steadfastly overlooks. Amount of time the husband or wife ought to give to each other.
___ Selfishness… not enough “give and take” on part of both members. Endeavor on part of the wife or husband to be “boss” with each spouse objecting.
____Religion… different beliefs; different churches. The problem of rearing children in the face of different church affiliations.
Others? ( Please specify) _________________________________________________________
II-A. Husband’s or wife’s opinions as to the chief faults of their spouse . Which of the following do you consider the greatest fault of your spouse? Rank them 1-10 in order of importance.
___ Nagging …nagging with never a pause.
___Extravagance… “They want to spend all you’ve got trying to keep up with somebody”.
___Poor homemaker….”My husband or wife doesn’t help keep our house clean.” (They skip through housework and waste time gossiping, playing computer, doing facebook or engaging in vices).
___Too much “night-clubbing/night out” and drinking… They visit bars and neglect their spouse & children.
___Gossiping…” Talking on the telephone ( cell phone, tabs, i-phones,etc.) too much.
___ Selfishness… “It’s give me, give me, give me all the time.”( My wife or husband takes too much time getting dressed; she’s or he’s always late for appointments).
___ Too many outside interests… civic clubs/organizations, degrees/post graduate studies (bingo, tong it, mahjong, etc.) Wives or husbands are so busy running around doing good they have no time for their spouses.
___ Too bossy…”He or she runs the home, he or she runs me. She’s always telling the neighbors what to do.
___Careless and untidy personally… “Men or women get married, get fat and sloppy” “My husband or wife doesn’t try to make himself or herself attractive anymore”.
___Interested in too many other men or women.
Others? (Please specify) ________________________________________________________________
II-B. If you have not experienced or are not experiencing the same problems that cause unhappiness in your home, what do you do in keeping the family and your home happy? Please list down as many:
II-C. What advise or advises can you give to a fellow husband or wife like you in order to maintain harmony and happiness in the family?