“Celiac Disease & A Gluten Free Diet”
Celiac disease is a condition that damages the lining of the small intestine and prevents it from absorbing nutrients from food that are necessary in order for an individual to stay healthy. This disease is triggered when a protein called gluten is consumed. This disease is also known as an autoimmune digestive disease. Every time an individual with celiac consumes gluten; the body starts to attack itself. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats. Symptoms of celiac disease include digestive problems such as abdominal bloating, pain, gas, vomiting, constipation, pale stools, and weight loss. The symptoms vary from person to person. The only way to confirm that an individual has celiac disease is by performing an endoscopic biopsy. My one-day gluten free diet in the morning consisted of me drinking a cup of milk, and eating a salad with peanuts for breakfast. For lunch I drank a cup of vegetable juice, it contained asparagus and carrots. For dinner I had my second cup of vegetable juice, following a long with a small portion of one corn and one steak. This was my meal plan for that one day, following a gluten free diet My gluten free diet was quite easy to follow. I did a lot of label reading and asking Google questions. I ended up discovering how gluten is hidden in a lot of foods. My daily diet usually consists of gluten free product. I rarely go out to eat. The only thing I had to make sure to avoid for that one day was adding dressing to my salad, and eating canned soup; which often contains gluten. I didn’t notice much result from following this gluten free diet for one day. I think in order for someone to see or feel strong results they must follow and continue this diet for a long period. To someone newly diagnosed with celiac disease, I would highly recommend them to start following a gluten free diet. I’ll let them know that this diet is going to require them to do a
Celiac disease is a condition that damages the lining of the small intestine and prevents it from absorbing nutrients from food that are necessary in order for an individual to stay healthy. This disease is triggered when a protein called gluten is consumed. This disease is also known as an autoimmune digestive disease. Every time an individual with celiac consumes gluten; the body starts to attack itself. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats. Symptoms of celiac disease include digestive problems such as abdominal bloating, pain, gas, vomiting, constipation, pale stools, and weight loss. The symptoms vary from person to person. The only way to confirm that an individual has celiac disease is by performing an endoscopic biopsy. My one-day gluten free diet in the morning consisted of me drinking a cup of milk, and eating a salad with peanuts for breakfast. For lunch I drank a cup of vegetable juice, it contained asparagus and carrots. For dinner I had my second cup of vegetable juice, following a long with a small portion of one corn and one steak. This was my meal plan for that one day, following a gluten free diet My gluten free diet was quite easy to follow. I did a lot of label reading and asking Google questions. I ended up discovering how gluten is hidden in a lot of foods. My daily diet usually consists of gluten free product. I rarely go out to eat. The only thing I had to make sure to avoid for that one day was adding dressing to my salad, and eating canned soup; which often contains gluten. I didn’t notice much result from following this gluten free diet for one day. I think in order for someone to see or feel strong results they must follow and continue this diet for a long period. To someone newly diagnosed with celiac disease, I would highly recommend them to start following a gluten free diet. I’ll let them know that this diet is going to require them to do a