Rough draft
Throughout the years, we as a society have came a very long way in technology and how we communication through mobile devices and social networks. The way we communicate is changing. We now rely on our cell phones so much more than we have in earlier years. Throughout this paper I am going to give examples of how times have changed and how we as a society have grown to relient on cell phone use.
Back in my day, I had to walk down the street to my friends house and ring their door bell to see if he wanted to come outside and play. Now, kids just “snapchat” and see if they want to hang out. Which means play video games inside usually. I had my first cell phone when I was thirteen. I used the phone to check in with my parents, and rarely texted. Now, children have iphones, and text constantly. I feel that with these new devices, its stopping people from learning at an early age how to communicate face to face. This obviously bothers me. Because if you took away a cell phone from somebody now adays, they would feel totally lost. We do so much on a daily basis with smart phones. We check up on social networks, do things for work on them, listen to music, take pictures, and browse the internet. With all of this at our finger tips, it would be hard to go back to the way it used to be. I do not own a smart phone, and never want one. I feel that it is damaging because they make people way too reliant on these electronic devices. Yes, they are great inventions, but they are used for entertainment more than anything.
At college parties, I see people on their phones constantly. Snap chatting, taking pictures and texting the entire time. People don’t communicate orally, but rather stare at the screen of their phone. Through my own observations with people and their phones, I have noticed that during an awkward situation, people pull out their phones and pretend to be texting someone. I have even done this and it happens all the time.