. Operating system processes lead to customer needs and expectations, which leads to customer benefit package b. Customer benefit package leads to customer needs and expectations, which leads to operating system processes. c. Customer needs and expectations leads to customer benefit package, which leads to operating system processes. d. Order is not important
Which of the following is NOT a key activity of an operations manager?
a. Translating market knowledge into goods, services and processes b. Continually learning and adapting to global and environmental changes c. Managing cash flows and strategic investments d. Exploiting technology to improve productivity
Which one of the following best represents a pure service?
a. Bank loans b. Computer diagnosis and repair c. Attending a play d. Fast food restaurant
Which one of the following best represents a pure good?
a. Salt b. Fast food c. Attending a play d. Automobile repair
Support processes would typically include all but which of the following:
a. Managing inventory b. Customer help desk operations c. Research and development d.