Sexual Music Lyrics is easy to look up or be heard by all ages and that causes problems. These music …show more content…
lyrics are harmful to children because they hear it and think it is okay to say it. By thinking it's okay they go back to to say it to their classmates, family members and even teachers. There was a little girl named Sally in the United Kingdom who got suspended from her church school because she wrote a pornographic poem and posted on in the school internet. Sally did not write a poem she wrote music lyrics she heard on the radio but did not know it was inappropriate. These songs are on the Top 40 list ad is easy to be seen on the internet or heard. The author of the article did a little survey on our young teenage girls and boys about the inappropriate songs. The girls said they likied the songs but the boys hear the songs and they refer to them as “whores or sluts” to make themselves feel cool around their friends. The boys said it is nothing wrong with what they are saying they are just joking around and they shouldn't take harm to it. They also feel like they are entitled to freedom of expression .This is a big reason why we need to censor music lyrics because it is affecting our children and our generation.
Violence is “behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something” (definition).
Censoring violence in movies and video games have been a big feud for a while now.According to the article “ 98 percent of American households own at least one television set” ( Media Violence). In the video games people can experience violence without actually committing a crime. Research shows that children learn behavior by watching what they see, so “ the more violence children observe , the more aggressive and violent they act” (Media Violence). “Young children are especially vulnerable to the effects of observed violence,”(Media Violence) . The media industry tried to create rating system for the games and movies but still able to watch or play it. A young man in alabama in 2003 was charged with murder after shooting and killing 5 men because he did the same thing in the game called “Grand Theft Auto”. It is important that the parents try and improve the rating system but will soon run into problems because of the first amendment. Another concern with media violence is the type of aggressive and violent ideas that are in the song lyrics. Lyrics in popular songs seem to glorify violence. The songs mostly include disrespecting women in a sexual and harmful matter, shooting and killing police and etc. A study was done showing the effects of rap music (which more that 60 % include something about violence)and the people involved in it commonly. “37.6% acquired a new sexually transmitted disease, 4.8% hit a teacher, 12.1% reported being arrested, 14.8% had sexual intercourse with someone other than their steady partner, 44.2% reported using drugs, and 44.4% consumed alcohol.” ( Rap (Music). The statistics shows that being involved or around violence can harm you in many ways or hurt you in the long
run. The world is full of people that know how to hack computers and your social media and get your information and can potentially harm you or your loved ones. Posting personal information on social media such as snapchat, twitter, and facebook is one of the easiest ways to get hacked. The internet can include information that is inaccurate and illegal. It also includes porn, swear words,and information about illegal drugs that are not safe for children. There are so many cases in the world of children getting taken or killed because they were talking to the wrong person on the internet or posting to much personal information. This also brings up security concerns with cyberbullying and peoples personal information being exposed. So us as a whole need to watch what we put on the Internet. In this research paper I came to the conclusion that censorship needs to be taking more seriously and put into action.Censorship continues to be an issue in America because Sexual Music Lyrics, Media Violence, and personal Information on the Internet are popular and continue to hurt our children and women, shootings etc. will improve and it would be less of it. Inappropriate content on the radio , tv and the web will continue to be an issue in America if we don't change who and how people can view it. This content is affecting our children in the classroom, at home and even when they grow up to understand it better. Censorship became an issue when rappers started displaying violence and explicit lyrics in their songs. The parents need to get more involved and help the safety of their children. If we take control and work towards censorship our generations and more generations to come will be better off and things like violence, inappropriate sexual advances towards our women will no longer continue.