Research Article Critique Paper
Suja Mathew
University of Phoenix
Research Article Critique Paper ‘Use of Central Venous Catheter- Related Bloodstream Infection Prevention Practices’
The nursing profession continually strives for the evidence-based practice, which includes research studies, critiquing and synthesizing studies, and applying scientific evidence into the nursing practice. Thus critiquing research is an essential step toward basing the practice on empirical evidences. An intellectual critique is directed at the elements that are created rather than at the creator. The elements of intellectual critique of the research are described to assist in determining the quality of empirical evidence generated by the studies. An intellectual research critique is a careful, complete examination of a study to judge its strengths, weakness, logical links, meaning, and significance. A high quality study focuses on a significant problem, demonstrates sound methodology, produces credible findings, and provides a basis for additional studies done by other researchers (Burns& Groves, 2006).
Critiquing a study involves the application of some basic guidelines to assist in finding answers for some questions. They are: 1) what are the research problem significant? 2) What are the major strengths and weakness of the study? 3) Does the researcher use sound methodology? 4) Was the study results valid? 5) Is there any study replicated and what is the results comparison? Are there any implications to practical applications? (Burns & Groves, 2006). By answering these questions one can find the strengths, weakness, and validity, reliability and implications of the study to the practice.
Critiquing research will manifest in the use of a variety in critical thinking skills and in the application of knowledge of the research process. The research critique process of a quantitative study includes four critical thinking phases:
References: Burns, N., & Groves, S. K. (2007). Understanding Nursing Research (4 ed). Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006). Statistics and Surveillance. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from Krein, S. L., Hofer, T. P., Kowalski, C. P., & Olmsted, R. N. (June 2007). Use of Central Venous Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection prevention Practices By US Hospitals. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 82(6) P. 672. Retrieved October 30th, 2008, from Pronovost, P., John Hopkins University Quality Research Group, Adventist Healthcare Systems, ICU data Analysis CL-BSI (1ST Quarter, 2008). Rubinson, L., WuAW, Haponik, E.F., Diette, G.B., Internist adherence to guidelines for prevention of intravascular catheter infections, JAMA, 2003 290(2802) Warren, D.K., Yokoe, D.S., Climo, M.W., et all, Preventing Catheter Related Bloodstream Infections: Infection Control Hospital Epidemiology, Jan2006, 8(13). Weeks, W.B., Bagian.J.P. Developing a culture of Safety in Veterans Health Administration, Effective Clinical Practice, 2000. (3).