* CDCS means "Certified Documentary Credit Specialist", a certification from ICC Paris, administered by IFSA for the USA, Canada, and Mexico, whilst for the rest of the world by IFS School of Finance. * CDCS is a registered trade mark of ifs School of Finance registered with the EU Community Trade Mark office under number 000858704.
The Bad News A. We declare our copyright for the following CDCS Exam Exercises and Model Answers (the Exercises). Please understand that you may face serious legal consequences for unauthorised use of our exercises. B. Some of our Exercises are tricky ones and you have to read them carefully and think twice before you finish your answers. For best learning results (if you don't know the answer at all) or for testing purposes (if you believe that you should know what the correct answer is), please do not click the Model Answer button placed below each question so soon. After you have provided your answer, which you think should be correct, do think twice before you click for the Model Answer. Otherwise you will exclaim: "Oh shiX! I should have given a different answer if I had read the question correctly and had given the issues a little more thoughts".
The Good News
If you fail in providing good answers for the Exercises, don't worry! You would still be able to pass the CDCS exam, because our Exercises may be more difficult than those in the CDCS. The examiners of CDCS only wish to check your knowledge on UCP 600, ISP98 and the other ICC Rules. They do not wish to give you a hard time like we do, to push you to the limit, so that you may get a distinction!
Our Advices
In the CDCS examination, due to fear, anxiety and heavy pressure, you could only perform up to 66% (2/3) of your normal capacity. That means you would not be able to think so coolly and intelligently for the best answers. And exercises like this would prepare you well in advance for the most