cesar chavez
Cesar Chavez Cesar Chavez as we all know him as a national hero, a man of his word, a leader who fought for what was right. Cesar Chavez was a great leader and superior at his fight against non violence and the methods for achieving justice and equality. Cesar Chavez was well known and persuaded the motto “Si Se Puede” (Spanish for “Yes we can” or “It can be done”). Cesar Chavez was born March 31, 1927, in a small town by the name of Yuma Arizona, and deceased on April 23, 1993. Cesar Chavez passed through so much rough times like attending over 30 different schools because his parents were forced to become migrant farm workers to support the family. Though all his struggles and harsh times, he decided to start a migrant farm workers movement that one day would be successful. Cesar Chavez was able to succeed in the civil rights battle by being a strategic leader, having perseverant hope, and also by gaining the support of common people, politicians, and Hollywood stars.
Cesar Chavez was the figure of the organization of Chicano agricultural workers into the United Farm Workers (UFW). The UFW was the first successful union of migrant workers. In his part of the chapter it also mentions the word Chicano which was a slang word for Mexican American. The Chicanos did not only want their demand in their civil rights but also their recognition and their distinctive culture and history. This was very important to the Chicanos. These civil rights were gaining power even out in one high school there were 15,000 Chicanos teenagers that helped out the civil rights by planning a “blow out”, which was walking the streets demanding education reform including courses in history, art and language.
Faragher, John M., Mari Jo Buhle, Daniel Czitrom, Susan H. Armitage, Out of Many: A History of the American People, Brief Edition, Volume II, Sixth Edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2012) http://www.biography.com/people/cesar-chavez-9245781