Teen Driving Issues Project
Topic:Drunk Driving
Part 1 - Identify the Issue
Be sure to include at least 4 complete sentences for each.
Section HeadingInformationWhy is this a problem, especially for teen drivers?
(4 sentences at least) Drunk driving always dangerous but even more so with teens who are new to driving and inexperienced with drinking. Drinking and driving can lead to accidents or deaths. Its not just dangerous to the drunk driver but dangerous to everyone else on the street. Statistics from research regarding teen crash rates.
(4 sentences at least) Drinking with young people has been decline for years so has the accidents of intoxicated teens. Deaths related to teens drinking have declined by 47% in the last 15 years. Between 1979 and 1998 drinking in the ages 12-17 declined by 50%. Its good to see these statistics declining and I hope they continue to decline in the future.How is one organization or group trying to solve this problem? Name group and what they are doing.
(2 sentences at least)The MADD is one organization trying to help solve the problem of teens drunk driving. The mothers against drunk driving they have started a help line and magazine along with other things.
How is another organization or group working to solve the problem? Name the group and what they are doing.
(2 sentences at least)SADD the students against drunk driving. They spread awareness and help their peers make the right decisions about drunk driving.
Web sites where this information was found.http://www.duifoundation.org/ http://www.madd.org/ http://www2.potsdam.edu/Part 2 - Solutions for the Issue
Section HeadingInformationSomething else that should be done to help solve or curb the problem.
(4 sentences at least)
My own ideas for solving this problem. This may not be something that is currently being doneIn schools people could come in and teach all about drunk driving and the dangers and consequences. My own idea , I think having a bus