Western medicine tends to be very segmented and focuses on "body parts". When doctors in the U.S. speak "chakra", they are referring to your reproductive organs, adrenal gland, pancreas, thymus, pineal gland, and pituitary gland. Chiropractors speak chakra all the time by mentioning your spine and the nerves that connect to your organs. …show more content…
In Ayurvedic practices, healers use the 7 chakras to make connections between your physical body and your emotional and spiritual health.
If you lined up images of your endocrine system, meridian pathways, and 7 chakras, they would all overlap. Tit for tat, all these approaches can tell you a lot about your well-being and be an excellent guide for tweaking the areas of your life that need it.
The beauty of learning about the Chakras is that it can be an awesome supplemental, self-help tool to overcome physical, emotional, and spiritual sickness. When I was struggling with major adrenal fatigue, and had such high anxiety at night that I couldn't sleep, I used chakra balancing to reflect on the parts of me that were falling apart. I then used them as a guide to make repairs.
Here's a peek into what each Chakra represents:
1. Root chakra (base of your spine, legs, bones) - this is your security, stability, and ability to of feeling at home in your body - Do you feel like you don't fit