The impact of the Modern technology on our day-to-day lives is very dramatic and prompt but for embedding the full potential of that in teaching and learning area has still yet to come. If you compare a classroom from 100 years ago to one of the nowadays modern equipped one you will notice lots of changes but still teachers have to stimulate learning by adding accessible and inclusive resources to all learners while enabling them to gain new skills and knowledge and achieve their learning targets. Over the past few years, in many countries especially developed countries, it has become more common for teachers to use technological tools in learning process. VLEs, e-mail, digital cameras, interactive or electronic whiteboards and many more technical resources have been added to the domain of teaching and learning. Although it does pose a number of benefits towards educational system, the drawbacks cannot be overlooked. In this assignment , both pros and cons will be analysed.…
Smart board. A smart board is an interactive whiteboard, which enhances your lessons by creating visual stimulation to the students. This has developed over the years from becoming a simple whiteboard to an outstanding piece of equipment which saves time and delivers amazing lessons all at the touch of a button. The Smart board has a multiple number of uses, which would help inclusive practice, but because of its wide variety you should take care not to introduce to many at once to over stimulate the student. I understand myself as an instructor I would always try to present the best lesson available but I know that this can be spoilt…
The advantages of whole class teaching is that all children get the information at the same time.…
A whiteboard is simply a website that parents and faculty members alike can log onto and check what is happening in the classroom as well as grades. For kindergarten I propose that this whiteboard would have a white page with buttons at the top that will take them to different links. These buttons are laid out in a simple tool bar layout.…
The technologies that are available to K-12 teachers that can be utilized in the classroom are very plentiful. The major issues are getting the technology to the classroom. With budget cuts and school district cut backs the future classrooms will have obstacles to overcome. However, the electronic whiteboards are showing up in many classrooms around the country. (2007 ISTE). The electronic whiteboards are interactive and they are connected to a computer that is connected to a projector that will display a screen on a board. The ability to access web sites is possible, teaching interactive lessons as well as games that have lessons created for the whiteboard device. The tradition whiteboard is still available with this device and the capability to save work. Isn’t that a wonderful feature now the teacher does not have to rewrite the day before material again just bring it up. MP3 players…
It'll also help students attitudes and willingness to do other tasks as well. I believe byod will help students in class To continue with, I believe added privileges and freedoms would help me and other students focus. It has been scientifically proven that the chewing of gum helps people focus. It would greatly help if students could concentrate.…
Thirty years ago the classroom was arranged for students to see the blackboard, now technology has replaced chalk but the difficulties of inflexible classroom configurations remain.…
On my Youngstown State ID user page there is a program for students to receive things from the instructors, whether it’s a syllabus or assignments, all these things are on a program known as Blackboard. Not all teachers use it, but since I’ve started I’ve had just over half a dozen instructors use Blackboard, and this semester more teachers are using it than ever. As of December 2010, Blackboard software and services are used by over 9,300 institutions in more than sixty countries. Although there are many people who do put their assignments and other essentials up on blackboard, there are too many flaws and far better alternatives than this program.…
In Parten’s findings, children followed a developmental succession through each of the four levels. They exhibit less solitary play from age two to four in favour of more interactive forms of play. This means solitary play at older ages is a sign of social immaturity. However, the solitary play is, in fact, a common happening in the school years, and the quality of children’s solitary play increases with age. From the very early age children are quite capable of social interaction, but the frequency of social interaction does not increase over time. Parten described the onset of cooperative play around 4½ years of age, but when children do play from the age of 18 months with familiar peers like running and chasing after one another. Around…
References: The iMac has various advantages such as portable, smooth appearance and it takes small amount of space. Also it doesn’t have unnecessary additional equipments and it is considered as wireless device with high standards. (Elithabeth,2014)…
We would like to thank God for giving us the strength and giving us the chance to have a good instructor that helps guide us. We also would like to thank, Mr. Randy Otero for feeding us her knowledge that helped us to complete this task. She taught us the codes and the…
Een touchscreen is de meest gebruiksvriendelijke vorm van de ‘input devices’. Zulke input devices laten ons toe informatie over te brengen naar een computer, PDA, smartphone,……
The electronic devices such as laptops can keep everything neat and organized. It keeps students more organized because instead of having all of these papers, you have virtual folders that a student can put documents in, PDF files, and power points. They can look at all of their documents that they saved and print them to give to teachers as hard copies. Plus a student can put work on a flash drive and save them and use it for extra storage too. A student can easily access your homework by clicking on a folder.…
The chalk board is often neglected and it does not get the proper care it deserves.…
This study can give benefits to the community specially to the teachers, students and faculty members.This will help them to save money on buying commercial chalks because they can make their own chalks at home using materials that is easy to find and very cheap.This will also benefit to the people who are eating eggs daily because they can recycle the eggshells to make a chalk which they can use.…