
Challenges In The Odyssey

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Challenges In The Odyssey
In the story the odyssey, odysseus is faced with two challenges one is that he has to go through this really dangerous part of the water or he can take a easier way and lose some men.
In the story I think that he has two choices that he has to make have to do with his real life. When the goddess is telling him the ways he can go she gives him a super deadly way to go that nobody ever lives through or he can go an easier way but he might lose some men and his ship. Odysseus asks her how to save his men if Scylla does come to fight him and the goddess’ reply is that “must you battle in your heart forever? The bloody toil of combat? Old contender, will you not yield to an immortal god?”
Odysseus finds himself stuck in the underworld asking Circe for help to get out. He ends up talking to his mom who had died because he was gone for so long. I think that this part shows his PTSD because while he was in the underworld he talks to her about his life. When she tells him about the two choices he decides to tell his crew only about the sirens that might come up to save them. I think odysseus if
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So the gods are going to keep the memory alive of what mistakes he made. She also says,” Now give those kine a wide berth, keep your thoughts intended upon your source for home, and hard seafarings being you all to Ithaca. But if you raid the beeves, i see distruction for ship and crew.” she is telling them if you think about all the fun and adventure you had on this trip you will die and so will your crew but if you think of being back with your life you will make it out

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