Characters- The sniper, an enemy sniper
Settings- Ireland, early 1920’s, night, heavy gunfire in the background
Background Information- This was about the Irish Civil War which occurred during the early 1920’s. gdhjs dgshjaf gshj ghjs fs ghjsd dsgahj gdfhsja fdsgahjfkgashj ghjdasghjsgfhj gdshjfghaj gahjsdghjka ghjdsa gshajf ghdjskag sgdahfj ghjsdga s s s s s sgdfhjagh jaghjsk dghj fdgshaj gfdhja sgdhj fgh jfgdshaj fgsdahjk fgdsha gfdshajf gsaf jg fhsjagf hagfshjfgsahjfg hsfghjsakgfhjsdagfhja fgdshajfghsjagfhsg sfgdhfjs ghfgh gjdgshj sggf dgshfg jhdsg g dsg fhsgdfjgfjhasg hdgjdhsgf hjgsfjgsadjfg g dsjhfgdsgfhjdsgfhjdsg fhjdsg ds gjdsgfjhdsgjhsdgafhjdgfhjsagfhjdgshjfghjdsgfjhgdsjhf gfgdjhs gf dhfg dhjsg hd hj hgjdfsg f fd d d d d d d d d d d d dvsnav fdfg jsagfhjdks agfhjk gs gshj ghf gfjhd gshfjk ghk fghd hdsfgdgfdgfdg d fsgfdgfdg fdsg
Characters- The sniper, an enemy sniper
Settings- Ireland, early 1920’s, night, heavy gunfire in the background
Background Information- This was about the Irish Civil War which occurred during the early 1920’s.
Rising Action
What is the struggle, complication, problem or conflict?- The sniper is in the line of fire of an enemy sniper.
Is it internal or external?- The conflict is external because it is two people trying to kill each other.
Using lots of details, describe the confrontation the main character has with the conflict.- While the sniper is plotting to escape, an armored car pulls up and meets with an informant. He kills the turret gunner and the informant, but the enemy sniper hits his arm. He can only use his pistol because he can’t feel his arm, so he fakes his death to draw the enemy out, and he takes the fatal shot. The enemy drops to a street alley.
Falling Action
What is the outcome of the confrontation scene?- The sniper wins the confrontation and wants to see who he killed.
Who is impacted by what happened?- The enemy sniper is impacted because he is