If you don’t turn in Steps 1 and 2 by the due date, you will not receive any credit for these steps.
New Year’s Resolutions often fail because we “resolve” to do something, but we often don’t make a plan to achieve this goal. If we make a plan, we are much more likely to achieve our goal.
Think of a habit you would like to change. It may involve your eating habits, exercise habits, TV or computer habits, procrastinating doing your homework, self esteem, attitude or anger issues, or anything you feel you need to make a change to.
This assignment involves 5 steps to achieving your goal/changing your habit:
1. Selecting a goal and doing a cost/benefit analysis
2. Assessing your current behavior or situation
3. Developing a supportive environment
4. Using supportive affirmations
5. Monitoring your progress
Time to get started! As you are working on achieving your goal/making your change, use your SMART Goal card as a tool. I will pass the SMART Goal cards out in class. If you miss class, please ask me for one. You can carry this around in your pocket or bag to keep you on track.
What to turn in (show your professor briefly in class) and when:
Due Date #1: _10/30/13__
• Steps 1 and 2 of this document
• Your assessment tool for Step 2
Due Date #2: _11/27/13_
• All 5 steps of this assignment
• Your completed SMART Goal card (or a scanned copy of it)
Step 1: Selecting a Goal and Doing a Cost/Benefit Analysis
a. Describe in one sentence the behavior goal to which you will devote energy and time in the next month.
The behavior/habit I am going to eliminate is: being overweight due to bad eating habits and lack of exercise.
What I am going to replace it with is: exercise and healthy food choices.
b. Do a cost/benefit analysis of your behavior change or habit. This will provide you with ways to motivate yourself. Be sure