over the speed limit but. As a 16 year old year think you are cool because you have that might be bigger, faster, and better condition car you decide to race the other car and that is a accidents waiting to happened. As a 18 year old they started to develop mind ps like a adult and they learn how to ignore other people like that. Another issue I want to include is ridding bumpers. Advancing in life can cause you to do what is wrong and ridding bumpers can cause collision with another driver. My last point I want to go over is texting and driving. As a 18 year old you are almost a adult and you know how to control your self. So in that case when you get a text you don't go agree you phone that second because you can control it and less accidents will happen. So all three points I cover are why maturity is important and it only gets better as you grow up. Another point I want to go over is being more cautious. As they develop and realize that they need to take care of them selves more that would fall under health. Health is important because you want to stay in shape for school and sports. Being healthy is also good for in the future because then you will have less chance of being in pain. Also they become more protected of them selves because they have to make sure they get to the place they need to be. Being protective can help with safety and less accident which leads me to my next point. If more these one person is trying to be safe while driving that will reflect on others and then this world will be somewhat safer. Which will lease me to my final point. My final point I would like to state is responsibility.
As you get older you have more responsibilities to do in life. The most common are getting to school, following the laws, and knowing right from wrong. The first one I would like to tell you about it getting to school. Driving to school is important because you need to be there in time and it is your responsibility to know about how long it takes you and if there might be traffic or not. As you get older theta is easier unlike a 16 year old who thinks they can just bolt to school and not be safe because they are running late. The next one I would like to tell you about is following the laws which is the most important. She. You can start to comprehend them more once you know what's a lot of them area d by changing the age you can do that. My last issue I want to tell you is knowing right from wrong. That is part of responsibility because you know what is right and wrong and if you choose to do what is wrong you must pay the consequences and that could interfere with the rest if your life. All of the points I covered are all reasons why I think the age of driving should be changed. If the driving age got changed to 18 years old it would change and save other people lives. All the main points I told you about becoming more mature, caution, and responsibility all all really important reasons. Being safer is awesome but the only way that's we can make this possible is if we change the age of driving. This is only going to possible if you make it happen. So the next time you drive how will you respond to a driver that is trying to race you or riding your