Today’s business environment requires continuous improvement of its business processes that affect productivity and profitability. This in return requires organizations to be open to and ready for change. In all companies regardless of industry, there are three organizational elements that both drive change and also is affected by change. They include processes , technology and people. Technology supports the process designed to respond to changes in market conditions, but it is the people who must leverage these processes and the technology benefits the organization.
Process: Business processes are defined by process maps, policies and procedures and business rules that explain how the work gets done. These processes are redesigned as new prospective customers or better ways to provide service to existing customers. This drives the adoption of new technology.
Technology: Technology helps to promote efficiency in implementing the changes. It is a way to process information with accuracy, dependability and speed. Technology is essential to any change process and is a plan for introducing systems and the technology is need to execute the intended changes.
People: Usually companies are good at creating new or improved processes. They also do well at identifying or developing technology to make these processes a reality. But many organizations fail to out any focus on the role that people play in the process and technology used to accomplish the desired outcomes for the organizational change. It is important to realize that it is the people that need to understand and buy into the need for change. 2. Discuss the typical reactions of employees to change and the related effects on the change management process.
Most employees first reaction to the idea of change is resistance. Some reasons for the resistance is because;