This essay is about how changes haveoccurred in my life. These changeshave occurredbecause
I went to adifferent country. First in Pakistan we have a lot of differences. Like most of students not follow the time schedule. We also do not have a lot technology.In addition when I am in my own country I am dependent on others. Now that I have moved to Canada I have noticed a lot of changes in my life. The lifestyles in Canada are different from my own country. Most work is based on practical work in Canada. For example the teachers will gives you a lot of assignments and projects, internship’s. But, in Pakistan, most work based on paper work. For example the teacher will not give you some extra work only read the book. I am more active in Canada if I compare it to my own country. Thus, the changes in my life have come in three ways: educational, personal, and cultural.
The first change in my life is educational change. How has this change occurredfor me in Canada? My education in Pakistan is completely different from Canada. According to Culture shock (n.d), for instance, in moving to a new country an individual might love teaching stylein his life.For example,Pakistan teachers deliver their lectures on a white board. They do not use the projector and document camera. But the Canadian teachers deliver their lecture on a document camera and use a projector. Pakistan most work is based on paper work like they do not suggest you take an internships and do not focus on your skill and projects. But here in Canada most work is on practical work.The teacher will give you a lot of assignments, quizzes and projects and like (exam, report writing, research projects etc.). In Pakistan I do not follow a time schedule. I do not go to class at the proper time. But, in Canada, I follow time schedule and I come to class ten minutes before the class start. If I do not follow the time I will not achieve your goals.
References: Culture shock (n.d.) retrieved from February 25. 2009 from 10 ways to test your mental health, (2012), (p.B8) from Jensen, A(n.d.) the advantages of diversity in a classroom retrieved from