According to Nazario, the single mothers who are coming to the United States, and the children who follow their lead “are changing the face of immigration” in the United States. Nazario unfolds the aim behind the book in this quote because she wishes for people to view immigration from a personal level instead of a political and economical point of view. That is why she chose to follow a journey of that exact nature in order to make a statement about the jarring reality that many face. The relationships mostly never rekindle their highest points and the resentment is not easily let go. The immigrant children’s dreams of returning a fantasy of sorts to help motivate themselves to survive their expeditions. As reported by Nazario, the apparent effect of immigration has been “family disintegration” because these people are vacating one of the most impotent values of “family unity.” The separation of a mother and her children creates irrevocable emotional distress that is seen in the mostly the child for the rest of their lives that is one of the main themes seen through out the novel. Through the clever use of pathos, Nazario is able to portray the deep internal struggles migrants face even after their journeys while trying to assimilate into their new lives. Nazrio …show more content…
A group, known as the Rhode Island Coalition for Immigrants and Refugees, is hoping to counter the anti immigration sentiment developing a “speakers’ bureau” that “pairs up” immigrants and refugees with social workers. This unlikely duo may help with the spread of immigrants that have become anti immigrant. This goes to show how alarmingly selfish and hypocritical the human race can be. On the opposite side, helping flourish anti immigrants’ sentiments is a North Carolina group that “blames immigrants for the rise in the cases of rubella” which is a contagious viral infection. The immigrants are almost always used as scapegoats for problems they have little to do with. It is so easy to blame a problem on the newcomer because they do not know or even feel comfortable enough to defend themselves against the bully. Often being taken advantage of, does little to help with their progress. In a book review of Enrique’s journey from the Sunday Gazette, it is said that the main reason for opposing the immigration is because “it is crime” but the argument against that given by Nazario is simply “that one must understand the crimes