Group 8:
Maria Angelica H. Dimaandal
Grandeson Nino Comia
Michael Baculo
Life at its best will turn the other way around. We never know what will happen in the future, so learn how to live your life to the fullest. Life is short, and to make fast, you need to learn how to move on. Things happen for us to learn and for us to move on and get away with every happening in our life. To live wisely, do the right things. Do the right ways. Follow the right path of life. Learn to be safe from any harm or danger. Do what is best for yourself, because life will only be great, without you ruining yourself. Never lose anything which is important in your life, throw the irrelevant things in your lives and bring out the best in your life. There are things to be considered in having an ill-free body, and it is to protect yourself in any ways you can. Who wants to have an ill body if you can have an ill-free body? Nobody right? People who got ill just because they didn’t follow the precautions the doctors gave for us to live a healthy life is really absurd. People who got ill there selves just to be absent in one or two days are lazy and doesn’t even matter the healthy life God has given to each and everyone. Consider everyone who loves and care for you, think of them. Do they want you to be ill? Of course not, because they have the rights to care for you and the right to make you feel safe in any way they can, for a better you. Have you experience any of these symptoms or maybe all of these symptoms? A sudden high fever that just came all of a sudden, severe headaches which leads you to drowsiness, pain behind your eyes, severe joint and muscle pain, Nausea, vomiting, Skin rash which appears three to four days after the onset of fever or how about mild bleeding (such a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)? Those