First step: Tell the truth about who you are and what you want, it’s an important key to becoming a master student. The ways we express our “first steps” are more powerful when they are specific. The truth has power!
The discovery wheel exercise will show you a picture of how you see your own strengths and weaknesses as a student today. After completing the exercise for myself I found that I rated all skills fairly even.
Discovering how you learn: Discovering new options for solving problems, achieving goals, and listening more fully. Start by understanding the different ways people create meaning from their experiences and change their behavior. We learn by perceiving and processing. The learning style inventory helps you discover how you currently prefer to learn.
Four modes of learning:
Mode 1 - Concrete Experience (feeling) These learners seek a purpose for new information and a personal connection with the content. Ask, why learn this?
Mode 2 - Reflective Observation (watching) these learners are abstract and reflective; they crave information and want to know the main facts, ideas, and procedures. Ask, what is the content?
Mode 3 – Abstract Conceptualization (thinking) these learners are abstract and active. They hunger for an opportunity to try out what they’re studying. They want to take theories and test them by putting them into practice. Ask, how does this work?
Mode 4 – Active Experimentation (doing) these learners are concrete and active. They are excited about going beyond classroom assignments, and want to apply what they’re learning in various situations. Ask, What if I tried this in a different setting?
Success starts with telling the truth about what is working and what isn’t in our lives right now. Effective learners are flexible. They always ask why? what? how? and what if? You can experiment with a variety of strategies and create new options for learning anything.
There are many ideas