Student: _________________________________________________________
1. Trimming certain genes out of molecules of DNA requires the use of special:
A. digestive enzymes
B. restriction enzymes
C. enzymes from peroxisomes
D. microscopic scalpels
2. To seal the cut fragments of DNA together, an enzyme called __________ is used.
A. amylase
B. peptidase
C. trypsin
D. ligase
3. Choose the correct sequence for gene transfer procedures.
A. cleaving DNA, recombining DNA, cloning, screening
B. screening, cleaving DNA, cloning, recombining DNA
C. recombining DNA, screening, cloning, cleaving …show more content…
EcoRI is an example of a ______________________. restriction enzyme
24. PCR is an abbreviation for _________________________. polymerase chain reaction
25. When RNA polymerase makes an unprocessed mRNA copy of DNA, the copy is called the ___________________. primary transcript
26. When the introns are removed to make mRNA that can be used in protein synthesis, the mRNA is now called __________________. processed mRNA
27. A _______ is a tiny circle of bacterial DNA that is capable of replicating outside of the main bacterial chromosome. plasmid 28. When genes are inserted into lung cells of cystic fibrosis patients, this kind of treatment is referred to as _______________. gene therapy
29. Combining the DNA of two different organisms is called ______________ cloning. transgenic 30. Plasmids or viruses can serve as _______________ to carry foreign DNA into the host cell. vectors 31. When the method is perfected, it will be possible to transfer "healthy" genes into cystic fibrosis patients via aerosol inhalants to "cure" this genetic disease. Is this type of gene transfer an actual cure or is it a treatment? In other words, could this person still pass along cystic fibrosis