• Anatomy o Mons pubis-hair-covered fat pad overlying the symphysis pubis o Labia majora-rounded folds of adipose tissue o Labia minora-thinner pinkish-red folds that extend anteriorly to form the prepuce and the clitoris o Vestibule-boat shaped fossa between the labia minora o Introitus-posterior portion lies the vaginal opening which in virgins may be hidden by the hymen o Perineum-tissue between the introitus and the anus o Urethral meatus opens into the vesituble between the clitoris and the vagina. Just posterior to it on either side lie the openings of the paraurethral (skene’s) glands. o Bartholin’s glands openings are located on either side of the vaginal opening but are not usually visible, situated deeply o Upper third of vagina lies at a horizontal plane and terminated in the cup-shaped fornix o Vagina lies almost at right angle to uterus o Uterus-flattened fibromuscular structure shaped like an inverted pear o Uterus has two parts: the body (corpus) and the cervix both joined at the isthmus. o Convex upper surface of the body is termed the uterine fundus o Distal cervix protrudes into the vagina dividing the upper vagina into three recesses, the anterior posterior and lateral fornices. o Vaginal surface of cervis---ecotocervix o External os of the cerviax- round, oval, or slitlike depression marks the opening into the endocervical canal. o Ectocervix is covered by the plushy, red columnar epithelium surround the os, which resembles the linking of the endoverical, and a shiny pink squamous epithelium continuous with the vaginal lining o The squamous columnar junction forms the boundary between these two types of epithelium o During puberty, the broad band of columnar epithelium encircling the os, called the ectropion, is gradually replaced by squamous epithelium. o The squamocolumnar junction migrates toward the os, creating the transformation zone. That is the area at risk for later dysplasia, which is
• Anatomy o Mons pubis-hair-covered fat pad overlying the symphysis pubis o Labia majora-rounded folds of adipose tissue o Labia minora-thinner pinkish-red folds that extend anteriorly to form the prepuce and the clitoris o Vestibule-boat shaped fossa between the labia minora o Introitus-posterior portion lies the vaginal opening which in virgins may be hidden by the hymen o Perineum-tissue between the introitus and the anus o Urethral meatus opens into the vesituble between the clitoris and the vagina. Just posterior to it on either side lie the openings of the paraurethral (skene’s) glands. o Bartholin’s glands openings are located on either side of the vaginal opening but are not usually visible, situated deeply o Upper third of vagina lies at a horizontal plane and terminated in the cup-shaped fornix o Vagina lies almost at right angle to uterus o Uterus-flattened fibromuscular structure shaped like an inverted pear o Uterus has two parts: the body (corpus) and the cervix both joined at the isthmus. o Convex upper surface of the body is termed the uterine fundus o Distal cervix protrudes into the vagina dividing the upper vagina into three recesses, the anterior posterior and lateral fornices. o Vaginal surface of cervis---ecotocervix o External os of the cerviax- round, oval, or slitlike depression marks the opening into the endocervical canal. o Ectocervix is covered by the plushy, red columnar epithelium surround the os, which resembles the linking of the endoverical, and a shiny pink squamous epithelium continuous with the vaginal lining o The squamous columnar junction forms the boundary between these two types of epithelium o During puberty, the broad band of columnar epithelium encircling the os, called the ectropion, is gradually replaced by squamous epithelium. o The squamocolumnar junction migrates toward the os, creating the transformation zone. That is the area at risk for later dysplasia, which is