Conquest by the Cradle * Among distinguishing characteristics of rebellious settlements: lusty population growth * Colonists doubled their numbers every 25 years Europeans * Dr. Samuel Johnson “Multiplying like rattlesnakes” * Also were youthful average age was 16 * In 1775, the most populous colonies were Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Maryland. * Only four communities could be called cities: first Philadelphia (including suburbs), New York, Boston, Charleston * 90% of the people lived in rural areas
A Mingling of the Races * Colonial America had been a melting pot since the outset: population was English in stock and language, but mottled with numerous foreign groups * Germans * 1775: about 6% of total population * Fleeing religious persecution, economic oppression, and ravages of war * Mostly settled in Pennsylvania in the early 1700s * Added to religious diversity: belonged to different Protestant sects, primarily Lutheran * Erroneously known as the Pennsylvania Dutch and made up 1/3 of colony’s population * Moved into Penn’s backcountry * Their splendid stone barns give evidence of industry and prosperity * Clung to their German culture and language * Scots-Irish * 7% of population in 1775 *