Several factors work in concert to bring about the success of any great organization. The most obvious and major factors include: the leadership style, a great vision and mission, personality and charisma, a good workforce and a unifying organizational culture, an excellent product or service, exceptional customer service, the right strategy and plans, technology and a unique organizational design (Daft, 2007). Thisterm paper looks into the organizational design, which is the overall set of structural elements used to manage the total organization and the relationship of these elements, as a foundation to build upon as the organization strives to greatness. The paper will focus on the Books and Music that was formed in 2001 as a result of a merger of the two largest book stores in Canada- Chapters and indigo. The smaller of the two, Indigo, bought 50.1% of Chapters' shares in February 2001 amidst protestation of the latter's board of directors. During the course of 2001 Indigo slowly but sure acquired more Chapters' shares completing the takeover at the end of the same year. The merger of the two companies obviously presented major challenges to the management of the new outfit especially with regard to organizational design and structure. This paper will particularly evaluate the structural issues to be addressed in the merger of two companies, the role of organizational structure in the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization, the appropriateness of a mechanistic or organic structure for indigo and the effect of technology on indigo's organizational design. The paper will address the above mentioned issues from a broad perspective with the Indigo Books and Music providing specific examples for clarification and elaboration.
One of the structural issues that must be addressed in a merger is the way employees work and relate with each other. The firms now operating as a unified unit must decide whether to use a system of job