
Chapter 6 Summary Chapter 18

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Chapter 6 Summary Chapter 18
Chapter 18 is an in-depth look at how Jesus was sentenced for the crime of claiming to be the Messiah and how Jesus died and was buried. This is again a very morbid chapter but does give insight into what he went through and all the factors involved with his death. Pontius Pilate was essentially the deciding factor in Jesus being convicted and sentenced to a crucifixion. This chapter talks about the severe agony that Jesus went through and how much he had to endure. The last chapter discussed how Jesus was praying to God and how he was concerned for the fashion in which he would die for our sins. This chapter explains why Jesus was so nervous for the crucifixion because he was tortured and left hanging to die a slow and very painful death. …show more content…
This assessment is then contradicted by the Jewish leaders who used crucifixion more frequently and the part that talks about Jesus' placement when on the cross. Stein says that Jesus was placed dead center and a little higher than most, he explains that this is because of the importance of the crucifixion and the impact it had on the people. The way it contradicts the opening statement of this paragraph is that if Jesus was so important then why was he crucified? I have done some thinking about this and I believe it is because the leaders wanted to show the importance of Jesus' death to the common people and the lack of importance the leaders felt about Jesus. Stein goes into detail about how long and agonizing this process was for Jesus and even though he had doubt and was in so much pain, he still kept his faith and kept adamite on who he was and what his purpose was on …show more content…
Jesus never strayed from the path of righteousness or doubted God, himself or his mission. It is evident in one of the last phrases that Jesus uttered in his final hours, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing" (Lk 23:34). This sentence shows both Jesus' dedication to his mission and his compassion for humanity. Even though his trials and tribulations, Jesus kept on the straight and narrow path that his father set out for him. Jesus was in agony and dying and his last words were still

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