1. David was valedictorian of his high school graduation class and also near the top of his class in college, but never lived up to his potential after that. His personality was such that he often alienated people, leading to four failed marriages and trouble holding down a job for any length of time. It is likely that he had a low level of
a. motivation
b. emotional intelligence
c. patience
d. luck
2. According to Goleman, explosive outbursts of anger are the product of
a. too much testosterone
b. rampant catharsis
c. emotional hijackings
d. mental illness
3. Which of the following factors has been associated with the potential for violence?
a. bottling up emotions
b. having been physically abused as a child c. playing video games
d. watching David Letterman on TV
4. Rage reactions are more likely to occur if
a. our bodies are already in a state of heightened arousal
b. we are surprised
c. we are hungry
d. we are relaxed
5. Which of the following is a barrier to creating a win- win outcome?
a. being oblivious to the possibility of win- win outcome
b. anger and resentment
c. failure of one or more involved to cooperate
d. All of the above
6. The neurological basis for the empathic response has been linked to
a. motor neurons
b. mirror neurons
c. the neocortex overriding the amygdale
d. mirror dendrites in the synapse
7. Stepping into the shoes of the other leads to
a. bunions
b. confusion
c. a loss of your own identity
d. empathy
8. Two interdependent individuals can achieve more than the sum of their individual accomplishments due to
a. synergy
b. magic
c. the multiplicity effect
d. the predominance of win-win solutions
9. Attribution theory teaches that
a. emotions are only obliquely related to physiological events.
b. emotions depend on how we label our physiological arousal.
c. emotion is purely a psychological event.
d. there is no relationship between emotion