One minute you have a lot of friends, and the very next minute you only have one or two. As you get older you end up losing a lot of friends but you gain the knowledge of who your true friends are. Those friends who have stuck by your side through the ups and the downs are your life long friends.
You have already gone through part one, part two, and now you are ready to take your drivers test to get the thing that means the most to a lot of sixteen year olds, your license! This lets you have a little bit of freedom to get out of the house from your annoying siblings and get away from chores and homework for a little while.
Sixteen is the time for worrying about who you are supposed to be in the world and what your purpose is. It is deciding what you want to major in and what college you want to attend at. It is the fear you get when you have to leave your home and having to become your own individual. Sixteen is learning new life skills and how to do things on your own that you never imagined yourself