1.1 Child & Young Persons Development
1.1 (a) Physical Development 0 – 3 years
By 6 months a child will:
Turn their head toward sounds and movement
Watch an adult's face when feeding
Smile at familiar faces and voices
Reach up to hold feet when lying on their backs
Look and reach for objects
Hold and shake a rattle
Put everything in their mouths
Between 6 months and 1 year:
Move from sitting with support to sitting alone
Roll over from their tummy to their back
Begin to creep, crawl or shuffle on their bottom
Pull on or push against adult hands or furniture to reach a standing position
Raises arms to be lifted
Turns and looks up when they hear their name
Pat and poke objects when playing
Pass objects from hand to hand
Look for things that have been hidden or dropped
Reaches hand towards source of food
Between one and two years:
Begins to walk
Sits alone indefinitely
Feed themselves
Push and pull toys while walking
Wave goodbye
Point or make noises to indicate wants
Enjoy picture books
Shake head for 'No'
Uses thumb and first two fingers to grip
Bangs objects together
Crawls upstairs
Stoops to pick things up from the floor
Begins to show preference for one hand
Builds tower of few bricks
Holds crayon in palm and makes marks on paper
Between two and three years:
Kneels to play
Kicks ball
Builds larger brick tower
Pour liquids
Uses pencil to make marks and circular scribbles
1.1 (b) Intellectual Development
Between 0 and 3 years:
Beginning to realise others are separate beings from themselves
Imitates others and tries out ways of behaving in play
Becoming more confident but still needs adult reassurance
1.1. (b) Language Development
Between 0 and 3 months:
Makes a variety of “happy” sounds
Will respond to a variety music and other sounds
Babies watch their carers face especially the mouth and try to copy its movements
Between 6 and 12 months:
Babbling sounds begin
Baby will make four or five different sounds and will turn its head towards the source of sounds
Will show feelings by squealing with pleasure or crying
Laugh and chuckle to show enjoyment
Between one and two years:
Move from using single words to putting them together as a phrase
A child will understand key words in the sentences used
In the second year children start to understand the use of conversation and begin to copy carers
Children’s understanding outstrips their ability to express themselves
By two they could be using anything from 30 to 150 words
Between two and three years:
Put words together into a sentence
Begin to ask questions what? Why? etc
Can join in well know songs or verses and put actions to words
They could be using several hundred words by their 3rd birthday
Can scribble and make marks on paper with a crayon
1.1 (c) Social and Emotional Development
Newborn to 3 months:
Responds to adults especially mothers face and voice
Smiles, concentrates on adults face during feeding
Very dependent on adults for reassurance and comfort, calms when held and cuddled
Between 6 and 9 months:
Enjoys company of others and games like peek-a-boo
Shows affection to known carer, but shy with strangers
Between one year and two years:
Likes to please adults and to perform for an audience
May become anxious or distressed if separated from known adults
May use comfort object
Mostly cooperative and can be distracted from unwanted behaviour
Plays alongside other children
Between two and three years:
Developing sense of own identity, wanting to do things for self
Demanding of adult attention, jealous of attention given to others, reluctant to share playthings or adults attention
Acts impulsively, requiring needs to be met instantly, prone to bursts of emotion tantrums
Enjoys playing with adult or older child who will give attention, beginning to play with others of own age for short periods
Development - Ages 3-7 years
1.1 (a) Physical Development
Three years:
Jumps with feet together
Walks on tip toes
Walks up and down stairs
Catches a gently thrown ball
Climbs with increasing confidence
Threads beads on a lace
Gains control over eating tools
Four years:
Throws with aim
Uses scissors
Holds a pencil and can draw people/houses
Five years:
Kicks with aim
Catches ball
Handles pencil with control
Copy shapes and write some letters
Sews stitches
Six to seven years:
Rides bicycle
Jumps from height
Climbs confidently
Threads needle
Can do buttons, shoe laces
1.1. (b) Intellectual Development
Three to four-years:
Understand two or three simple things to do at once, e.g. ‘Fetch a glass of water, give it to your brother and take the empty glass back to the kitchen’
Sort objects by size, and type, e.g. animals, or by colour or shape
Five to seven years:
Begin to understand about sameness and difference in various aspects of life
They begin to understand that differences can exist side by side
They can begin to see different perspectives on the same subject, for example the same amount of water can look different in different containers
1.1 (b) Language Development
Three to four years:
Start to use pitch and tone
May start to use the past tense
Vocabulary extends towards 1000-1500 words
Marks made with crayons become more controlled
Four to five years:
Grammar is becoming more accurate
Children’s questions become more complex
More able to use language to communicate their own ideas
Understand that books are a source of pleasure and use pictures to help them follow stories
May begin to recognise their own name and a few frequently seen written words
They can hold a pencil steadily and copy shapes and form some letters
Five to seven years:
Fluent speaker able to make up stories
Can handle books well
Understand that text carries meaning
Recognise an increasing number of letters linking them to sounds
1.1. (c) Social and Emotional Development
Three to four years:
Becoming more independent and self motivated
Feels more secure and able to cope with unfamiliar surroundings and adults for periods of time
Becoming more cooperative with adults and likes to help
Sociable and friendly with others, plays with children and more able to share
Beginning to consider the needs of others and to show concern for Others
Four to seven years:
Makes friends but may need help in resolving disputes
Developing understanding of rules, but still finds turn-taking difficult
Enjoys helping others and taking responsibility
Learns lots about the world and how it works, and about people and relationships
Makes friends (often short-term) and plays group games
Needs structure and a routine to feel safe
When behavior is ‘over the top’, they need limits to be set
Development - Ages 7 -12 years
1.1 (a) Physical Development
Run, jump, skip, hit a ball, climb and swing
Enjoy playing team games by age eight
May misjudge their ability before age nine
1.1 (b) Intellectual Development
Will read to themselves
Will take a lively interest in certain subjects by nine
1.1 (b) Language Development
Will need help in tackling the complexities of spelling
Vocabulary will grow if adults introduce new words and new ways of using language
Speak fluently and describe complicated happenings
Read out loud
Know the different tenses and grammar
1.1 (c) Social and Emotional Development
Becoming less dependent on close adults for support – able to cope with wider environment
Enjoys being in groups of other children of similar age, strongly influenced by peer group
Becoming more aware of own gender
Developing understanding that certain kinds of behaviour are not acceptable and why and a strong sense of fairness and justice
Want to fit in with peer group rules
Start to form closer friendships at about eight years old like to play with same-sex friends
Need adult help to sort out arguments and disagreements in play
Can be arrogant and bossy or shy and uncertain
Development - Ages 12-19 years
Adolescence is said to be the period between childhood and adulthood. It actually starts from the age of 11 and lasts up until the age of 19 or 20 years. Adolescence is actually a transition period because it is at this stage that teenagers gradually detach themselves from their parents. They feel matured and want to venture out there on their own but unfortunately they still lack clearly defined roles in society. This is when the feelings of insecurity, anger and frustration begin. A lot of youngsters react differently to the changes that come with adolescence, but quite often adolescence is a very turbulent period and parents and practitioners alike should try to help make this transition period a memorable one for the adolescents.
1.1 (a) Physical Development
Young people will also see many physical developments changing the appearance of their bodies. Everyone’s rate of growth is different. During adolescence, coordination and strength increase greatly and by age 19 or 20 the adolescent has full adult motor capacities
Adolescence for boys usually begins later than for girls and usually occurs around fourteen years of age. However, at the end of this growth period, boys are usually bigger than girls. Boys at this age are beginning to develop sex characteristics such as deep voices and body hair and also experience muscle growth and start to take on a manly physique. Testicle and scrotum growth begins in early to mid-puberty. Penis growth starts a bit later but continues for a longer period. Some boys move through puberty quickly while others worry about their lack of development. These variations can be difficult for slow developers to handle. It's important that adults reassure them that their rate of development is not related to final physical potential.
After initial breast budding around the age of 10, a girl’s breasts gradually begin to swell. Her pubic hair will begin to grow, darken and become curlier. Their bodies become more rounded, developing the curves of womanhood. By 13, some girls are almost physically mature, but there are wide variations in the ages when puberty begins and ends. A few girls may begin to develop as early as 8 and others may show no obvious changes until late teens. The average age of the onset of menstruation is around 13.Some girls have reached full physical maturity by the age of 14 or 15 and some are only beginning the process Depending on the age of pubertal onset, the teenage girl may be almost physically mature at 15 and is likely to be close to her full adult height. She may have a woman's figure, although her breasts and hips may still become fuller.
1.1 (b) Intellectual Development
This is a time of maturing of the mind and behaviours as young people develop more responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions and start to think ahead to future occupations, marrying, and having children of their own. During adolescence, the primary tools for knowledge acquisition are the ability to make connections between different pieces of knowledge and being able to make connections with the world as they see it. The pace of development is dependent on how much guidance is given with regard to helping the brain to make the connections between knowledge and practical application in daily life. The more support they receive the faster their pace of growth will be. During adolescence, education should attempt to distil learning into a moral, social, economic and cultural code that will form the basis of the individual’s identity. During adolescence, young people increasingly take personal responsibility for finances, accommodation, employment and interpersonal relationships. The process of transferring responsibility from parental shoulders to the maturing adolescent should reach completion at adulthood.
1.1 (b) Language Development
A teenager's constant sarcasm and supposed witticisms can become irritating, but they are just testing their new, sophisticated language skills. They may also develop an interest in satire and other slightly offbeat forms of humour. Their logical thinking ability is also maturing and they may enjoy practicing their new intellectual and verbal skills through debating, either formally or informally.
1.1 (c) Social and Emotional Development
The teenager may become self-conscious as changes in their body shape take place, odor occurs and possibly acne develops as a result of oilier skin. So, more than anything, they need reassurance. Emotional maturity is constantly shifting, moving them between childish needs and adult desires. They aren’t just being awkward for the sake of it. Their bodies and emotions are experiencing drastic changes. The adolescent is preparing for independence and beginning the move away from parents and close carers towards their peers. They become less concerned about adult approval and turn instead to their friends. Many teens develop very close friendships within their own gender. Most also develop an intense interest in the opposite sex. They see security in group-acceptance and follow peer group dress and behaviour codes. Having the same 'labels', collecting the same items and playing the same computer game etc. are very important. Taken out of the emotional security provided by family, they are subject to all the whims of their peers, including potential rejection. A phase of intense questioning and uncertainty usually occurs as adolescents begin to reappraise parental and community values, beliefs and biases. No longer are they accepted without question. Each one has to be personally accepted or rejected to become part of the young person's own value system. Parents are sometimes fearful of this increasing questioning and their children’s increasing freedom and independence.