This chapter deals with research method. The research methodology applied for the purposes of this study covered areas like research design, population of study, sampling technique, data collection method, data analysis method and limitations.
Research design is therefore a plan for a research work, which aims at providing guidelines, which the research work is being conducted. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. A survey research design seeks to obtain information that describes existing phenomenon by asking individuals about their perceptions, attitudes and values (Mugenda and Mugenda, 2003). Descriptive survey research design is the systematic collection of data in standardized form from an identifiable population or representative (Oso and Onen, 2009). This design was adopted for this study because it intensively described and analyzed the role of employee welfare services on productivity of the employees of the case company.
The method of questionnaire and interview are used in data collection. Data are presented in tables and a descriptive method is adopted in analysis.
According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), target population is the members of a real or hypothetical set of people, events or objects the researcher wishes to generalize the results of the research. The study targeted a population of about 400 comprising of clerical staff, officers, senior officers, middle-level managers, and top level managers that constitute the workforce of Leadway Assurance Limited.
The method of sampling used is proportional stratified random sampling.
Firstly the whole population of employees is divided into departments, and a specific number of employees from each department were selected for the survey.
The sample
References: Madumere S.C (2012) A Guide to Research Methodology Vitaman publishers Lagos Mugenda, O.M. & Mugenda, A.G. (2003), Research Methods; Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Nairobi: Acts Press. Oyaide, W.G., 1977. The Role of Direct Foreign Investment: A case study of Nigeria, 1963-1973. United Press of America, Washington D.C. Root, F.R., 1984. International Trade and Investment. 5th Edn. South Western Publication Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Serven, L. and A. Salimano, 1992. Private investment and macroeconomic adjustment: A Survey. World Bankobserver, 7(1). Tadaro, M.P., 1999. Economic Development. 7th Edn., Addison Webley Longman Inc. Reading Massachusetts. Voivodas, C.S., 1973. Exports, foreign capital and economic growth. J. Int. Econ., 3(1).