The heart and soul of a company's strategy-making effort A) is figuring out how to become the industry’s low-cost provider. B) is figuring out how to maximize the profits and shareholder value. C) concerns how to improve the efficiency of its business model. D) deals with how management plans to maximize profits while, at the same time, operating in a socially responsible manner that keeps the company’s prices as low as possible. E) involves coming up with moves and actions that produce a durable competitive edge over rivals. Chapterone12.
A company’s strategy and its quest for competitive advantage are tightly connected because A) without a competitive …show more content…
advantage a company cannot become the industry leader. B) without a competitive advantage a company cannot have a profitable business model. C) crafting a strategy that yields a competitive advantage over rivals is a company’s most reliable means of achieving above-average profitability and financial performance. D) a competitive advantage is what enables a company to achieve its strategic objectives. E) how a company goes about trying to please customers and outcompete rivals is what enables senior managers choose an appropriate strategic vision for the company.
. Which of the following is not something to look for in identifying a company's strategy? A) Actions to respond to changing market conditions or other external factors B) Management actions to revise the company's financial and strategic performance targets C) Actions to strengthen competitive capabilities and correct competitive weaknesses D) Actions to capture emerging market opportunities and defend against external threats to the company's business prospects E) Actions to gain sales and market share via lower prices, more performance features, more appealing design, or other such actions.
Which of the following is something to look for in identifying a company's strategy? A) Actions to gain sales and market share B) Actions to strengthen marketing standing and competitiveness by merging with or acquiring rival companies C) Actions to enter new geographic or product markets or exit existing ones D) Actions and approaches used in managing R&D, production, sales and marketing, finance, and other key activities E) All of above are pertinent in identifying a company’s strategy.
A winning strategy is one that A) builds strategic fit, is socially responsible, and maximizes shareholder wealth. B) is highly profitable and boosts the company's market share. C) fits the company's internal and external situation, builds sustainable competitive advantage, and improves company performance.
D) results in a company becoming the dominant industry leader. E) can pass the ethical standards test, the strategic intent test, and the profitability test.
A winning strategy is one that A) results in a company becoming the dominant market leader. B) produces exceptionally high levels of customer satisfaction and is both ethical and highly profitable. C) fits the company's internal and external situations, builds sustainable competitive advantage, and improves company performance. D) is ethical, socially responsible, and profitable. E) builds shareholder value, passes the completeness test, and passes the customer satisfaction test.
Crafting and executing strategy are top-priority managerial tasks because A) working their way through the tasks of crafting and executing strategy helps top executives create tight fits between a company’s strategic vision and business model. B) all company personnel, and especially senior executives, need to know the answer to "who are we, what do we do, and where are we …show more content…
headed?" C) there is a compelling need for managers to proactively shape how the company's business will be conducted and because a strategy-focused enterprise is more likely to be a stronger bottom-line performer than a company whose management views strategy as secondary and puts its priorities elsewhere.
D) without clear guidance as to what the company's business model and strategic intent are, managerial decision-making is likely to be rudderless. E) how well executives perform these tasks are the key determinants of executive compensation.
Crafting and executing strategy are top-priority managerial tasks because A) they are necessary ingredients of a sound business model. B) good strategy coupled with good strategy execution greatly raises the chances that a company will be a standout performer in the marketplace. C) the management skills of top executives are sharpened as they work their way through the strategy-making/strategy-executing process. D) doing these tasks helps executives develop an appropriate strategic vision, strategic intent, and set of strategic objectives. E) of the contribution they make to maximizing value for shareholders.
Good strategy combined with good strategy execution A) offers a surefire guarantee for avoiding periods of weak financial performance. B) are the two best signs that a company is a true industry leader. C) are more important management functions than forming a strategic vision and setting objectives. D) are the most trustworthy signs of good management. E) signal that a company has a superior business model.
The most trustworthy signs of a well-managed company are A) the eagerness with which executives set stretch financial and strategic objectives and develop an ambitious strategic vision. B) aggressive pursuit of new opportunities and a willingness to change the company's business model whenever circumstances warrant. C) good strategy-making combined with good strategy execution. D) a visionary mission statement and a willingness to pursue offensive strategies rather than defensive strategies. E) a profitable business model and a balanced scorecard approach to measuring the company's performance.