
Character Development In Lord Of The Flies

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Everyone longs for some sort of power, it’s how it is revealed and drawn out of them that limits to the compulsion of savagery. Uncivilized acts can be carried out from a person’s violent side. However, if it isn’t recognized by a guilty conscious than impulses of ferocious behavior can break out into a natural state of being for someone. In his book, Lord of the Flies, William Golding used character development to relate to the theme of his story. A group of British children crashed on a tropical island and had to fight for survival, all competing for power and going to a great extent of killing each other to gain it. One of the characters, Jack, his need for power leads him to lose control of his savage impulses. The smallest bit of satisfaction …show more content…

The boys on the island were afraid of this “beast” and jack managed to convince them that it was on of the other boys. They all got so caught up in killing the beast that they didn’t even feel remorse for killing the kid. Even one of the boys, piggy responded to someone saying it was murder, “You stop it! What good’re you doing talking like that?”(Golding 156). They were all in denial of the situation besides Jack. He egged them on and told the boys that he was the beast and to surround him and everything. When someone is getting all the power they want, they don’t care who they are hurting or destroying. Telling the boys what to do gives Jack a sense of leadership and power, as long as he has that he is …show more content…

It was the way he gained more power. He would make it seem that all the killing and hunting was okay, and since the boys followed him and did everything he said Jack felt more and more in control. That power is what set him off and go over board. He made dances and had the boys worship him. Before Ralph and piggy went to go see Jack and his tribe William Golding said, “...Jack, painted and garlanded, sat there like an idol. There were piles of meat on green leaves near him, and fruit, and coconut shells full of drink”(Golding 149). The boys worshipped Jack and that’s all he wanted from the beginning. He abuses his talent and power though. He changed his name from Jack to Chief now. He even has the boys do a dance around the prey they are killing. They circle up around it and scream “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood”(Golding 69). “The chief led them, trotting steadily, exulting in his achievement”(Golding 168), Jack was too proud of the things he’s done. He feels no mercy and and has no guilty conscious and he is training the boy hunters to be like that as well. Mankind will do anything to feel that satisfaction of power, even if they have to do the

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