Ender, also known as Andrew Wiggin, is the protagonist of Ender’s Game. Ender is chosen to attend battle school, leaving everything behind to fight the buggers in an all out war to save the human race. The experiences that Ender is forced to go through reflect.
One of the characteristics of Ender is his kindness and compassion. Ender does not want to hurt anyone, and is supported by the quote “Ender leaned his head against the wall of the corridor and cried until the bus came. I am just like Peter. Take my monitor away, and I am just like Peter.” This shows that Ender regrets what he did and that he didn’t really want to hurt Stilson.
Another of Enders characteristics is his ruthlessness. Although Ender doesn’t want to hurt anyone, however when he has no choice he will attack with no mercy to assure that he come out ahead of his opponent. This is show with the quote “Ender walked up to Stilson’s supine body and kicked him again, viciously, in the ribs. Stilson groaned then rolled away from him. Ender walked around him then kicked him again, in the crotch.” This quote show just how ruthless Ender can be, by kicking Stilson while he is on the floor, even though he knows it is wrong to.
Ender’s Game has many important events; one in particular is the fairyland event. The things that happen in fairyland are his encounter with the wolf children and being trapped in the castle. Overall, fairyland is almost like Ender’s life after the war with the buggers and the castle is the obstacle in his way of having that life. Symbolism is used in fairyland with the giant, the castle and the serpent. The giant represents his enemies, as the giant is bigger than him and Ender is at a disadvantage and the only way for him to win is to cheat. The castle represents his military power which is what Ender gains by defeating the buggers, and him being trapped in there shows that he is trapped in the state of being at war. The serpent is seen as an enemy in the