Character Protect Life
Charactor Protect Life
Character and Greatness
Great men do not do great things by accident. If you look at great men like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, you will find they did not invoke change in our generation by chance, rather, they were driven by an inward need to make things right—possessed with a rock-solid character formed from solid values. Abraham Lincoln did not wake up one day and decide to focus his efforts on passing legislation to free the slaves, he was driven by a value system that knew it was not right for a man (or woman) to be forced to serve another without payment or regard. Washington is said to have adopted Charles Moore's "Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation." Detailing Washington's recreated rules, the University of Virginia writes: "Washington wrote out a copy of the 110 Rules in his school book when he was about sixteen-years old…these maxims were so fully …show more content…
25); "Think before you speak" (no. 73); and "Rinse not your Mouth in a character