Likewise, a unified research paradigm CogniŃie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition, Brain, Behavior
Copyright © 2007 Romanian Association for Cognitive Science. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1224-8398
Volume XI, No. 1 (March), 131-142
Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Geneva University,
Geneva, Switzerland
This work reviews several aspects of the growing research field interested in video games. First, the evolution of this media in the and methodologies to carry on reliable research on video games has to be developed.
KEYWORDS: video games, simulation, education.
In the last decades, video games have been increasingly appealing not only as an entertainment for children and adults, but also as an object of interest in academic research. A large body of studies investigated the potential of information technology as tools for learning, and particularly of games specifically designed for educational purposes. Recently, a growing interest has appeared for the potential of mainstream games in education
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