His story begins when young twenty-six year old Charles rose to power because his older brothers had died. Ruling restlessly ruthless, Charles had control over most of France and Germany. Thankfully Charlemagne was Christian and it was told that he ruled by the sword and cross. Tenaciously he fought for thirty years against the Vikings. In 800 A.D, Charles restored most of the old Roman Empire. His borders pushing off to Italy, Denmark, Germany, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, his nickname, which was “Father of Europe”, should not be of such a surprise since he was truly a great man. Aside his many defeats, Charlemagne was
His story begins when young twenty-six year old Charles rose to power because his older brothers had died. Ruling restlessly ruthless, Charles had control over most of France and Germany. Thankfully Charlemagne was Christian and it was told that he ruled by the sword and cross. Tenaciously he fought for thirty years against the Vikings. In 800 A.D, Charles restored most of the old Roman Empire. His borders pushing off to Italy, Denmark, Germany, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, his nickname, which was “Father of Europe”, should not be of such a surprise since he was truly a great man. Aside his many defeats, Charlemagne was