On his first book, Understanding Organisations (1976, revised 1991) is well regarded. Gods Of Management (1978), is another highly regarded work, in which Handy uses a metaphor of the Greek Gods to explain different organizational cultures, the four of famous management ideas of this book are Zeus represents power, patriarchy, 'the club' culture, Apollo includes order, reason, bureaucracy and the 'role' culture, Thena refers to expertise, wisdom, meritocracy, 'task' culture, Dionysus meaning that individualism, professionalism, non-corporate, existentialist culture. The Handy model helps consultants and managers become aware of the different cultures within the client organisation. Effective interventions must aim at striking a balance between the four cultures while remaining faithful to an organisation's dominant culture.
Handy divide management into two part of "portfolio worker" and the "Shamrock Organization”, First of all, “portfolio worker” is a worker who holds multiple jobs or contracts in multiple fields with multiple companies. Portfolio career is also a great example of this flexible working career option. Not only does this offer greater autonomy when it comes to managing career expectations, but it also offers the opportunity to utilize skills more effectively. Portfolio careers are no longer the preserve of a select group of people, but in