After offering an explanation and brief history of Charter Schools, this paper will show some of the research proving charters can be successful overall, as well as show how Charter …show more content…
Just as school environment, policies and practices can affect how students perform in traditional public schools, charter schools which are effective display many of the same characteristics that contribute to student success.
First is spending. It is evident that, to a certain point, more money spent per pupil will provide higher quality education and therefor generate higher acheivements. high performers spend more per pupil, central office staff is a higher percentage of total staff, share of central office staff devoted to human resources in greater. (peyser) 20% spending gap between lowest and highest performers (peyser) –sepnd some of extra money hiring more teachers
CLASS/SCHOOL SIZE average number of students per teacher in the top five is only slightly lower (15.1 vs. 16.6) average masks the larger differences. 3 of the top 5 have student teacher ratios below 14 while three of the bottom five have ratios above 18
Small school