When analyzing the common factor in the 14% rise of Heron use in this documentary. It was discovered with the innovation of OxyContin it seams as if Pandora’s box was open as the gateway drug to the Mexican drug cartel to push Heroin in the United States. Moreover, it was made more available with treating AIDES patients, and the hospice movement knowing there was a fear of addiction. In short OxyContin only to be used in extreme cases of chronic pain or terminal …show more content…
I would take the approach of both by formulating a public response. For example, the criminal justice system has been experimenting with drug courts. Within this system an individual who is arrested for drug related crimes waives his or her rights and enterers into a complex educational treatment system. At the completion of the program he or she charges are dropped on the other hand failing to complete program charges will be filed. Another example as addressing the Heroin response in the light of public health programs such as Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) where members of the criminal justice community, social workers, and community leaders are working together to provide interventions for addicts on the street instead of arresting them. Naturally, this has raised many problems with law enforcement simply because they are not arresting individuals (of non violent) with possession of narcotics, but taking the drugs away and counseling them to get involved in programs such as LEAD For this reason, the LEAD program allows the individual to chose to take the step to get off drugs and not be forced to. “So normally, we arrest a person. We put them in jail. With LEAD, we stop them from what they’re doing. We take the drugs away from them. We take the syringes, or the crack pipe away from them…. we could not incarcerate these